"Sister Liu is jealous."

Bonnie said vaguely while eating.


This was something Chen Feng didn't expect, because he had already clearly rejected Yan Rui just now, so what kind of vinegar would he eat.

"Why are you jealous, didn't I reject her all..."

"It's not because of this!!"

But after Liu Xia'er heard his words, she pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"I am because, because, she is so lucky to grow up with you, brother Feng. 18"

Hearing this, Chen Feng knew why she did this.

She smiled and stroked her hair.

"Silly girl, let's talk about growing up together first. No matter how long we have left, we must go on together."

"Besides, it doesn't seem like we grew up together. I have to talk about it twice, don't forget..."

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Liu Xia'er just remembered.

He and others are not people in this world, and Chen Feng, who came to this world, was assigned this identity.

In other words, although it is such an identity, it is only the mighty power of the system, which has changed some things.

In this world, before they came, it was not certain whether there was Chen Feng, or whether there was a person from the Three Shaofu of the Wufu.

Thinking of this, Liu Xia'er was relieved.

On the other hand, Fu Ying was at a loss, not understanding what riddles they were playing.

But she is also a smart person who knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Yong'an City is located beside a sea, outside the north gate, it is the port.

The seafood in Yong'an City is well known in the world. If you want to eat fresh seafood, you can only eat it in Yong'an City.

Yongsui Mansion is the only mansion among the five mansions that is close to the sea.

Most of the seafood circulating in the five houses comes from Yong'an City. Of course, there are also some small towns near the sea, and there are also sea fishing.

Legend has it that the other end of the sea is another world, but due to the numerous sea beasts in the sea, the powerful sea beasts do not know how many.

Therefore, no one has been able to find out, and can only judge from the few words in ancient books or relics.

The port is the place where ordinary people go out to sea to fish and dock their ships. There are basically no powerful sea beasts near the sea, and at most they are equivalent to real people.

Because of this reason, the guards in Yong'an City are all at the lowest level of the seventh rank of real people, and there are a lot of them in the realm of heaven and human.

At this time, the port was crowded with people buying things everywhere.

Chapter 3 Jealous (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this time, the port was crowded with people buying things everywhere.

Some sell fruit, some sell other things, but more are seafood.

There are still many kinds of fish in the Immortal World.

Also, each type of fish has a different utility.

"Come and have a look, fresh Shengyang fish~~"

"Taotie dolphin fish, the meat is so tender, don't miss it when you pass by..."

Such cries of hawking could be vaguely heard when they approached the North City Gate.

The location near the North City Gate is an all-in-one restaurant, basically making seafood.

Under Fu Ying's suggestion, the five people came to the best restaurant in Yong'an City, and they had a feast for Baiyu.

It is said that the chef of this restaurant can make completely different dishes with a hundred fish, so it is called the Hundred Fish Shang Banquet.

"Objective you..."

Xiao Er came over, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw the four girls beside Chen Feng, who were stunned in place.

"Where is your best private room? Take us there."

Fu Ying didn't mind either, and spoke directly.

"Okay, okay, some objective people, please come with me."

After her voice fell, Xiao Er came back to his senses, hurriedly lowered his head, and led them upstairs.

"Objective, you've come to our store, you've come to the right place."

While walking, Xiao Er told them about the situation in the store.

"The chef of our shop is the best seafood chef in the whole Yongsui Prefecture. With one hundred identical fish, the dishes he makes are completely different..."

I followed Xiao Er all the way to the top floor.

"Objectively, this entire top floor is the best private room in our store. Our store is the tallest building in Yong'an City. This private room can look around the entire Yong'an City, and the scenery of 523 is particularly good."

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