Standing beside the guardrail, looking down, the entire Yongan City can be seen at a glance.

Since it is near the North City Gate, this location can also see the sea, and the scenery is really good.

Chen Feng turned around and found that it was really good, so he nodded.

Fu Ying was also very satisfied and took an amethyst coin and handed it to him.

"This, objectively, this, this is a bit too much?"

Xiao Er looked at the amethyst coin in Fu Ying's hand, first stunned, and then said excitedly.

This amethyst coin is enough for an ordinary person like him to live a good life for a while.

"It's okay, take it, give us one of each of your signature dishes here."

Fu Ying smiled, waved her hand, and let him go down.

"Okay, miss, just wait, it will be done properly for you!!"

Xiao Er carefully put away the Amethyst Coin, then shouted and walked down.

"I can't see it, are you quite generous?"

Chen Feng and several other women had already sat down, looked at Fu Ying, and said with a smile.

"Che, see what you said, am I being stingy?"

When Fu Ying heard this, she couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him and said angrily. .

Chapter [-] Troubled (add one more, please subscribe, please customize)

The power of money is powerful.

I don't know how that Xiao Er did it. It didn't take long for their dishes to come one after another, including a hundred fish feast.

Steamed, braised, vinegared, grilled, fried...

It is said that it is a hundred fish feast, but in fact there are only more than twenty.

If there are really a hundred dishes, then basically not many people can eat them.

After all, it's not a banquet, and not many people eat it.

So, the restaurant owner changed it to more than [-] dishes.

"Wow!! These are really delicious."

Bonnie is the least resistant to eating. She has already started eating since the first dish.

The innermost is full, and a pair of eyes are constantly scanning the table.

Xiaobai was put on the table by him, took two dishes alone, put them in front of him, and now he is eating happily.

Seeing this man and beast eating his mouth full of oil, Chen Feng couldn't help but shake his head with a smile.

At this moment, Xiao Er's voice came from the entrance of the stairs.

"Liu Gongzi, Liu Gongzi, you can't go up, there are already people here!!"

"Go away for me! I have to see who is so daring to use my private room."

The swearing sound was followed by the sound of something rolling down the stairs.

Hearing the sound, everyone could not help but stop eating and look at the position of the stairs.

After a while, a man with an angry face came up.

"Just how many of you..."

As soon as the man came up, he wanted to scold, but when he saw the faces of the four girls, he couldn't help but froze in place.

Seeing this, Chen Feng frowned. After a while, the man recovered.

With an evil look in his eyes, he rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"Yo, who am I? It turned out to be Miss Fu, the principal of Ziguang. I don't know who these girls are? 〃々?"

Fu Ying's brows were also wrinkled, and she looked at the man with disgust.

"Liu Yi, who are they, and what's your business? Please leave now, we're going to eat."

When Liu Yi heard Fu Ying's words, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, but he still walked over with a smile on his face.

When he got closer, he spoke as if he had just discovered Chen Feng.

"Huh? Why is there an outsider here, Miss Fu, let's eat together by ourselves, why let this outsider do here."

Having said that, he stood up straight, looked down at Chen Feng and said.

"Boy, I don't care what your relationship is with Miss Fu, but I advise you to get out of here, otherwise, the consequences will not be so good."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and an old man in black quietly appeared beside him, holding a stool and placing it behind him.

"Old Xiao, help me get rid of this kid."

Sitting down on the chair, Liu Yi just stared at the four girls and glanced back and forth, without even looking at Chen Feng. Anyone could see the undisguised desire in his eyes.

"Several ladies, let's get to know each other, I am..."

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