In his opinion, Xiao Lao is already a fourth-grade True Monarch, and it is enough to clean up Chen Feng.

In the past, when he was outside, as long as Xiao Lao appeared, there was no problem that could not be solved.

Chapter 1 Trouble is constant (add one more, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

In the past, when he was outside, as long as Xiao Lao appeared, there was no problem that could not be solved.

The black-clothed old man looked at Chen Feng, and found that he couldn't see the young man's cultivation, so he couldn't help frowning in confusion.

But he didn't think too much, or because Chen Feng looked too young.

In the version that Chen Feng circulated in the Immortal Realm, the news that he was sixteen years old, for some unknown reason, was passed on and then disappeared.

Now everyone thinks that Chen Feng is a rising talent in his twenties.

Therefore, the old man did not associate the person in front of him with the rumored rising Tianjiao.

Therefore, two people are doomed to tragedy.

Chen Feng sighed, a little helpless.

He found that no matter where he went, something would come to him.

The old man in black stood beside Chen Feng, looked at him coldly, and reached out to grab him.

Chen Feng waved his hand lazily and clapped his hand away.

The old man looked at Chen Feng with a surprised look on his face, and became a little puzzled.

He found that Chen Feng just waved his hand, which he couldn't escape no matter what, which made him a little puzzled.

However, then he was relieved, thinking it was his own illusion.

After slowing down for a while, the old man shot again.

"." Liu Yi!You are going too far! ! ! ! "

Fu Ying patted the table, stood up, and shouted angrily at Liu Yi.

"Hey yo, why am I going too far? I just want to have a meal with a few girls and get to know each other."

Seeing her like this, Liu Yi said with a smile.

"Besides, when I eat, I don't like having outsiders present."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Feng's position and found that the old man in black had disappeared, but Chen Feng was still sitting there intact.

"Well? Old Xiao?"

He looked around, but found nothing, the old man in black seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

And Fu Ying also stood there dumbfounded, staring at Chen Feng dumbfounded.

"Old Xiao? Where are you, Mr. Xiao? Stop teasing this kid, and quickly solve him (Zhao Haohao)!!"

Liu Yi shouted impatiently.

He thought that the old man in black was just scaring Chen Feng, but he didn't realize that Chen Feng's expression was still very calm.

"Xiao Bai, is it delicious?"

Chen Feng took a piece of fish from the side and put it on the plate in front of Xiao Bai.

The two plates in front of Xiaobai had been licked clean by it. At this time, when he saw that Chen Feng had picked up another piece of fish, his eyes suddenly lit up, he nodded, lowered his head and continued to eat.

When Liu Yi saw this, he realized that something was wrong.

At this time, he suddenly glanced at the corner of his eyes, and the shadow of the old man in black appeared behind Chen Feng, but soon disappeared again.

Seeing the old man in black, Liu Yi's heart was relieved again.

"Hmph, pretending to be aggressive, boy, I'll see how you die!!".

Chapter 1 A strong enemy is now (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Hmph, pretending to be aggressive, boy, I'll see how you die!!"

Liu Yi looked at Chen Feng and said proudly.

Chen Feng looked at him in amazement, then turned to Fu Ying and asked.

"This guy, is he mentally ill?"

When Fu Ying heard Chen Feng's words, she looked at Liu Yi with a little pity.

Liu Yi looked at the two of them at a loss, and said angrily.

"Hmph, Elder Xiao, let's get rid of this kid, it looks upset."

The figure of the old man in black would appear behind Chen Feng from time to time.

However, Liu Yi felt that something was not quite right.

Because the old man in black seemed to keep repeating an action.

Watch Chen Feng for a while, then reach out to grab him, but when he is about to grab him, he will return to the way he was before grabbing him, then he will reach out to grab him, and then resume...

Moreover, this figure still appears and disappears from time to time, and even when it can be seen, it is somewhat erratic.

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