"You, what have you done!!" 403

Liu Yiqiang looked at Chen Feng calmly. He didn't understand what means Chen Feng used to make the old man in black look like this.

While talking, to attract Chen Feng's attention, a white bead suddenly appeared on the hand under the table.

With a firm squeeze, the white beads were crushed.

Chen Feng ignored him, but continued to eat as if he was not affected at all.

Except for Fu Ying, the other three women did not have the slightest difference, and they discussed the taste of these dishes from time to time.

A trace of coldness flashed in Liu Yi's eyes, and then he recovered.

His small movements were naturally sensed by Chen Feng with his divine sense.

Naturally, seeing and hearing the domineering unfolding, instantly enveloped the entire Yong'an City, including the nearby sea area.

However, after a long time, Chen Feng did not perceive any malice, or any unfavorable existence to himself.

Just when he thought that his arrogance had failed, a huge aura rushed out of the sea, heading straight towards Chen Feng and the others, rushing towards them.

"This is……"

Chen Feng, who was replaced by divine sense, "saw" a huge sea beast that was flying towards Yong'an City quickly.

"Sea beasts are coming!!!"

"Damn!! How could such a sea beast appear here!!!"

"Fuck, isn't this a whale? How could it suddenly attack Yong'an City?"

The location of the restaurant is not far from the North City Gate, so it is easy to hear the sounds outside.

At this time, people were already panicking and running around.

Chen Feng looked into the distance, slapped the giant tail, and flew towards the giant sea beast, feeling a little dazed.

"Fuck, is there such a big sea beast? Why didn't I know it before?"

Whale Kun, it is said that there is a trace of the blood of the ancient xenogeneic Kunpeng. It is this trace of blood that makes it the largest sea beast in the ocean. It has just been born, and has the strength equivalent to the cultivation of the human race.

According to records in ancient books, the largest known whale can reach a length of [-] meters.

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According to records in ancient books, the largest known whale can reach a length of [-] meters.

As for the whale Kun in front of him, Chen Feng had a visual inspection and it was about five or six hundred meters wide. As for how long it was, Chen Feng said that he was only paying attention to its front.

Not long after, the whale came to the sky above Yong'an City and stopped.

Covering the sky and covering the sun, it has not yet completely entered the range of Yong'an City, but it already occupies half of Yong'an City.

After it stopped, Chen Feng realized that there seemed to be a small mountain on it.

When Liu Yi saw Whale Kun, his face immediately showed obvious joy.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, knelt on the ground and shouted in the direction of the whale.

"Disciple Liu Yi, see Zong Shang!!!"

When Chen Feng saw this, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded thoughtfully.

"Liu Yi, do you know that the Zhaozhu is given to you for the sake of honor, and you have only one chance to use it."

An ethereal voice came from the peak above the whale, and when it came to a name, it suddenly became blurred, and then it returned to normal.

Hearing this, Liu Yi's expression changed slightly, but, obviously, he also knew the result, he gritted his teeth and said without raising his head.

"The disciple knows..."

"Well, now that you know, then, after all, is there anything wrong with calling this sect born? Remember, I didn't come out for a long time, only three hours."

Liu Yi suddenly raised his head and said loudly.

"The disciple urges Shang Zong to take this person for the disciple and destroy all the forces behind this person."

When Chen Feng heard the words, his eyes instantly turned cold.

It seems that the other party knows his identity, but it must be premeditated to provoke him when he knows his identity.

Glancing at Whale Kun's direction, Chen Feng moved.

Instead of waiting for the other party to make a move, it is better to collect some interest first.

Liu Yi looked at Chen Feng in horror, his eyes filled with despair.

He didn't expect that Chen Feng would start to act as soon as he disagreed, which was completely beyond his expectations.


Following that voice, a huge force suddenly came from the front of Liu Yi and hit Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng, who has the body of a demon, was this inexplicable attack able to move him?

This attack was naturally unstoppable to stop Chen Feng's offensive, and Liu Yi was directly killed by Chen Feng's slap.

The four women and Xiaobai were taken into the secret realm at random, and flew out, floating in the air, and staring at the whale coldly.

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