Saying that, he grabbed the fur on its neck, lifted it off its head, looked at it and said.

"I saw you just now. It seems that I really want this mirage bead, right? When you tell me about your talent, I'll give it to you."


Xiaobai was grabbed by his limbs in the air so angry, but there was no way he could take Chen Feng.

Chapter 1 Mirage Beads (plus one, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Xiaobai was grabbed by his limbs in the air so angry, but there was no way he could take Chen Feng.

"Speak or not?"

Chen Feng looked at Xiao Bai proudly.

Baby, I can't cure you yet.

"Don't say it!! Hmph!!! I will never say it in my life!!!"

Xiaobai gritted his teeth at Chen Feng angrily, and it seemed that he was really angry.

"Okay, then don't say it."

Chen Feng shrugged indifferently, waved his hand, and released the four girls.

After the four girls stood still, Chen Feng threw Xiaobai to Liu Xia'er.

"Hmm, what's up?"

As soon as Xiaobai got into Liu Xia'er's hands, he buried his head in her arms, looking like I was so wronged.

Looking at it like this, Liu Xia'er asked with a bit of confusion.

"It's okay, it's just that the little guy misses you a little bit."

Chen Feng shrugged and said nonchalantly.

But his words made Xiao Bai even more dissatisfied.

He raised his head abruptly, yelled at Chen Feng twice, waved his small paws, and then buried his head in Liu Xia'er's arms again.

Seeing its action, Liu Xia'er realized that Xiaobai was angry with Chen Feng.

Touching its head comfortingly, Liu Xia'er gave Chen Feng a coquettish look.

When the few people just walked to the city gate, they saw a middle-aged man in black armor, with a long sword on his waist, and a long spear in his hand, standing at the gate.

Behind him, there are groups of soldiers.

"This is the palace master of Yongsui Mansion, Lianming, and the cultivation base of the True Monarch Realm."

Seeing this person, Fu Ying approached Chen Feng and whispered to him.

Chen Feng nodded indifferently, and then walked over with the four daughters indifferently.

"This is the rumored Chen Feng of the Three Shaofu of the Wufu. When I see it today, it is better to see it once I hear it. The young talent of Chen Shaofu is well-deserved!!"

As soon as he approached, Lian Ming greeted him with a smile.

"Your Excellency is overrated."

Chen Feng responded neither softly nor hard, then stood there and looked at him without speaking.

"Uh... Chen Shaofu came to my Yongsui 123 mansion today. It's fine if I didn't entertain him well. It's really hard to ask Chen Shaofu to help solve such a big trouble."

Seeing this, Lian Ming also smiled awkwardly.

"Chen Shaofu just looked at it, but went to check the whale? I don't know what to find?"

As he said that, he looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

Hearing this, Chen Feng understood his purpose.

This Yong'an City is by the sea, he should know about the fact that there are mirage beads in the sea beasts. Now that Chen Feng is coming from the whale, he thinks that Chen Feng must have gained something.

"No, I just went over to see if it was completely dead. Could it be that there is something good about this whale?"

Chen Feng looked interested, looked at Lian Ming, and pretended to turn around and go back to check carefully.

Seeing his posture, Lian Ming dared to let him turn back. If he really did what he said, he might find a big leak.

"It's alright, it's good to be dead. In fact, I just want to see. If you don't want that whale's body, I'll take him away."

"Oh, that's it, then you can go away, I'm useless anyway."

Chen Feng said, and walked straight into the city, ignoring him.

Seeing Chen Feng leave, Lian Ming wiped off his sweat and hurriedly walked towards the direction of Jing Kun with the soldiers.

Chen Feng looked back at Lian Ming, who left in a hurry, and showed a sarcastic smile. .

Chapter 1 Fu's family has a call (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Lian Ming took the soldiers and hurried to the body of Whale Kun. Just as he was feeling the size of the Whale Kun, a soldier suddenly came over and whispered in his ear.

Hearing the soldier's words, Lian Ming's face changed greatly, his figure moved, and he came to the position above the whale Kun's head.

Looking at the hole created by Chen Feng just taking out the mirage bead, Lian Ming stomped his foot hard.

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