"This damn Chen Feng, dare to lie to me!!"

After all, he didn't dare to ask him to trouble Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng was fighting with the blue-robed old man, he watched it clearly from below.

That kind of combat power, to be honest, he didn't even dare to think about it.

With a helpless sigh, Lian Ming had no choice but to order the soldiers to go back and call Yong'an City, except those who were on duty, and all the rest of the soldiers came.

After all, this whale is too huge, but fortunately, there is storage equipment in this world. Although the largest is only the size of a football field, it is enough.

In his hand, there are just a few top-level storage equipment, and they can all be transported back in a few times.

Back at the inn, Nami couldn't help it anymore, patted the table and laughed.

"That guy really believed it, hahaha... I can believe this kind of thing, haha..."

"Only greedy guys ignore the details of things because they are eager to get what they want."

Bonnie said while eating.

"That's right. If it wasn't because he was eager to get the Mirage Beads, you would have heard the flaws as soon as you heard them."

Xiaobai said disdainfully while eating the Lingguo Lingzhi that came from the girls.

After a while, I suddenly felt that the house was a little quiet.

Turning his head and looking at it, he found that the people in the circle were all looking at it with a ghostly expression.

"Well? What's wrong? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Suddenly, it also sensed something was wrong.

It was actually words that came directly from the mouth, not through other means.

"I, can I speak??...々?"

Xiaobai also looked surprised because it didn't seem to expect that he could speak.

"Xiao, Xiaobai, if you can speak, does it mean that you can change shape???"

At this time, Liu Xia'er seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"Is it able to change shape? Our nine-tailed Tianhu clan can change shape."

Xiaobai asked curiously, not understanding why Liu Xia'er asked.

"Uh, it's alright..."

Liu Xia'er laughed dryly and turned to look at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at her inexplicably, not knowing why she looked at him like that.

"what happened?"

"Cut, it's cheaper for you."

Liu Xia'er rolled her eyes at him and said, and then hugged Xiaobai to the side.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be hiding it from himself, Chen Feng couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Let's talk about the topic between girls, you are a big man and go to the side!!"

Liu Xia'er turned her head and scolded, then turned her head away.

"That's right, this is our girl's business, and it has nothing to do with you. You go, hum."

Xiaobai stuck his head out and stuck out his tongue at Chen Feng.


Chen Feng glanced at them disdainfully, and then ignored them.

Fu Ying looked at them with a smile, and suddenly, the jade slip on her waist lit up.

Fu Ying picked up the jade slip and glanced at it a few times, then her face suddenly changed drastically.

"How can they do this!!!"

With a snap, Yu Jian was thrown to the ground by Fu Ying.

Chapter 1 Fu's family has a call (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

With a snap, Yu Jian was thrown to the ground by Fu Ying.

"Well? What's wrong?"

Seeing that her face was a little ugly, Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it's all about the family."

Fu Ying sighed and said helplessly.

"They want me, they want me to go back and get engaged now!!"

Speaking of this, his face became ugly again.

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