After leaving Wu Mansion, Chen Mingxuan flew straight towards Yongsui Mansion.


After Chen Feng and the others stayed in Yongan City for two days, they came to the north gate again.

At this time, the body of the whale has been disposed of by Lian Ming, so the noise of the past has resumed here again.

Several people came to the port, and Chen Feng released the Tiandi.

"Are you sure you're outside?"

Chen Feng looked at Fu Ying and asked.

"Yes, believe me, the entrance to the hidden world near Yong'an City is on the sea."

Fu Ying gave him a white look and said angrily.

After he finished speaking, he went directly to the Tiandi number, and didn't want to talk about Chen Feng anymore.

This matter, Chen Feng has asked her for the third time.

No way, the blue-robed old man came out of the sea a few days ago, and now Fu Ying told him that the entrance to the hidden world is at the sea.

Could it be that the old man came from the hidden world?

But after thinking about it, the whale is a sea beast, so the old man definitely couldn't have come out of the hidden world.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Feng discovered something incredible.

That is, in this immortal world, in addition to the hidden world, there seem to be some other places where people are more powerful.

After getting on the boat, Chen Feng walked forward in the direction Fu Ying pointed.

After sailing at sea for nearly two hours, Fu Ying's closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Okay! Here we are."

When Chen Feng heard the words, he stopped the boat.

Looking at the surrounding sea area, it was very quiet, without a trace of turbulence.

Fu Ying looked around, her eyes lit up, then took a few steps forward, took out a jade card the size of a book, and played a few spirits on it.

As Ling Jue entered, the jade card glowed with a faint blue light and floated in the air.

The jade plaque was broken into dozens of pieces, reorganized in the air, and finally formed a portal with a blue vortex in the middle.

"Let's go, this is the entrance to the hidden world."

Fu Ying said and walked in first.

Chen Feng looked at the portal, reached out and touched it, feeling the fluctuations in the space above, and nodded thoughtfully.

After receiving the Tiandi number, he walked in with the three daughters. .

Chapter 3: Entering the Hidden World (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After passing through the vortex, Chen Feng found himself in a dense forest, and a path of sheep's intestines curved forward.

After feeling it for a while, he found that the aura content in the air became very rich.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, feeling that the whole person was invited a lot.

"The spiritual power content here is unexpectedly high."

"Yes, unfortunately, except for some lucky people, the hidden world is firmly controlled by those people."

Fu Ying said with some emotion.

Those members of her family, in exchange for the qualification to stay in the hidden world for a long time, adopted this method of marrying her to the direct descendants of the Qi family among the four clans.

"Well, let's inquire about the news first. Is there any place with a denser crowd here?"

Chen Feng scattered his consciousness, and within the range shrouded in his consciousness, he did not find any trace of humans, but found traces of many monsters or spirit beasts.

"Huh? There are spirit beasts here?"

Chen Feng, who discovered the spirit beast, said in surprise.

"That's for sure. The concentration of spiritual energy here is about five times that of the outside world. After a long time, spiritual beasts will naturally be born, but most of them are just monsters."

Fu Ying held the jade card just now, with a layer of phantom floating on it, and said while looking at it.

This layer of phantom is the map of the hidden world.

"By the way, speaking of it, why do you have the key to the entrance to the hidden world and the map?"

Chen Feng looked at the jade card in her hand and asked curiously.

"Uh, because of the family business, the sect that has contacts with our family gave us a key."

Fu Ying continued without raising her head, and then rubbed her hand on the phantom.

"Okay, found it."

Chen Feng followed the place where she was wiping, but found that there was a small red dot on the map, and a place not far from the red dot was marked with the words "Kundong Ruins".

"Where is this Kundong Ruins? Why didn't I find it?"

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