Chen Feng pointed to the location of Kundong Ruins and asked Fu Ying.

You must know that his consciousness is so wide that he can cover the entire Yongan City, and even exceed it by a lot, but even so, he has not found any strange existence.

"Nonsense, this Kundong Ruins is equivalent to the existence of a black market, how can people find it casually."

Hearing this, Fu Ying explained angrily.

"It is rumored that this Kundong Ruins is in a congenital formation, plus some remnants of the ancient books, and it is said that there is an acquired spiritual treasure as the eye of the formation."

Only then did Chen Feng understand why he couldn't detect the slightest trace.

"System, scan this location for me."

If you can't find it on your own, it doesn't mean the system isn't working.

Glancing at the others, he found that nothing was out of the ordinary, and Chen Feng asked the system from the bottom of his heart.

But what he didn't notice was that after his eyes swept across, Xiaobai suddenly raised his head from Liu Xia'er's arms, glanced at him, and then fell down again.

[Scanning...Scanning completed...]

[Found a large gathering place, its periphery is covered by the Innate Remnant Formation and some other formations, so it cannot be easily found. 】

[Ding, scanning a special item can improve the realm. 】

Hearing the system's reply, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

He found that every time he asked the system to scan something, he would find something unexpected.

At this moment, a few beams of light suddenly rose under the feet, wrapping everyone in them.

Chen Feng didn't notice it because he was communicating with the system.

As for Fu Ying, she has been comparing the map and found nothing unusual here.

Chapter 3 Entering the Hidden World (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

As for Fu Ying, she has been comparing the map and found nothing unusual here.

As for Liu Xia'er and the others, since their cultivation was not very high, they would not be able to discover such a hidden trap.

After the beam of light separated and wrapped the crowd, several people with their faces covered and dressed in different clothes suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like I caught a big fish this time."

The green-eyed man in the lead looked at the crowd and said in a hoarse voice.

"There are two ways for you now. First, hand over everything on your body, and second, you can leave without handing over them. Leave these girls to Lao Tzu, and you can go."

The green-eyed leader stared at Chen Feng and said.

He felt that Chen Feng must be the leader among these people.

People like him, who have lived for more than a hundred years, will not despise Chen Feng because his clothes are not very good.

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They had been observing for a long time in the dark place just now. The green-eyed leader found out that several women seemed to be dominated by Chen Feng, so he would only speak directly to Chen Feng now.

Hearing this, Chen Feng stretched out a finger and gently touched the light curtain in front of him, making a banging sound.

On the other hand, Fu Ying, who was beside him, kept beating on the light curtain and kept talking, but no sound came out.

"Haha, give it up, you can't get rid of this trap, and you can only hear us, but your voice cannot be heard."

The green-eyed leader laughed, and his subordinates also laughed.

"Cut, isn't it?"

Chen Feng curled his lips in disdain, and poked again.



The sound of a bubble burst suddenly stopped the green-eyed leader's laughter.

Although he stopped, his subordinates were still laughing.

"shut up!!"

Turning around and shouting loudly, they stopped.

"You, how did you do it?"

The green-eyed leader swallowed his saliva and said a little scared.

"What are you trapped in? You are too weak. You can break it with a poke. Do you need any other way?"

Chen Feng looked at him contemptuously and said.

"That's it, even if you break it, so what, hum, see the treasure!!"

The green-eyed leader bravely shouted at Chen Feng, and then dropped something.

Originally, Chen Feng thought he would throw something, but instead of hitting Chen Feng, it fell to the ground.

In an instant, a large amount of smoke came out, blocking everyone's figures.

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