"What? Are you looking for a tour guide?"

Chen Feng glanced at him apologetically, and then asked.

"Well, yes, you must know that the Kundong Ruins are very large. If there is no one who is very familiar with this place, I am afraid that you will soon get lost."

The man went on to say, and when it came to the back, he looked at the four girls beside him, and said something pointed.

"And it's very dangerous here. Anything can happen. Remember that anything can happen."

When Chen Feng heard the words, he looked at him, and then looked around, and found that it was exactly what he said.

There are many people around, all looking at them vaguely, especially the four girls, who have almost become the focus of attention.

Chen Feng's eyes turned cold, and he looked around with murderous intent.

But those people still didn't care, on the contrary, because of this, they looked at them a little unscrupulously.

The person who said he wanted to be a tour guide, saw Chen Feng like this, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold him.

"Dude, if you want to die, don't pull me. Let me tell you that the gold shop in Kundong Ruins is going to auction something recently, so there might be an old monster among the people here."

Looking around, the man said in a low voice.

"The old monster refers not only to the Venerable Realm, but also to the existence above the Venerable Realm."

After listening to his words, Chen Feng glanced at him in surprise, then glanced around again, and wrote down all the breaths of those people.

"What? Even people with that kind of cultivation can't bear it anymore?"

"Hmph, what's wrong with those people who have cultivated themselves? In order to hit a higher realm, they can't do anything."

The man snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"By the way, my name is Shucheng, I'm the third, and because of my appearance, everyone calls me the third mouse, I don't know, what do you call me?"

"Chen Feng."

Chen Feng didn't say much, just said his name.

He was not worried that this success would be the eyeliner of some people. On the contrary, he was even more looking forward to someone coming to trouble him.

In that case, I don't have to run back and forth, just wait for them to line up and die one by one.

As for saying that there may be some old monsters coming out, don't be afraid.

After all, Chen Feng's current physical strength is almost the strength of the Venerable Realm.

That is to say, with his physical body alone, he can fight people in the Venerable Realm.

Coupled with his demon body, he can consume a powerful person in the Venerable Realm alive.

However, this is really not the eyeliner of some people.

Hearing that Chen Feng only reported his name, he knew that Chen Feng did not want others to know too much information about him.

"Well, okay, boss, what are you doing here in Kundong Ruins?"

Looking at Chen Feng with a grin, Shu Cheng asked.

"Huh? Don't you talk about your reward first?"

Seeing him so direct, Chen Feng couldn't help but stunned.

Chapter 1 Low-level Spirit Stones (plus two, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Seeing him so direct, Chen Feng couldn't help but stunned.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this be the first to discuss the conditions, and then to talk about other things?

"Hey, what's there to talk about, boss, you look like a neat person."

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Shu Cheng waved his hand and said with a look of disgust, but then the conversation turned sharply, which almost prevented Chen Feng from recovering.

"Since you are so neat, boss, you can get three low-level spirit stones a day for one price."

Chen Feng stared at him blankly, not responding.

He didn't react, but Fu Ying was a little anxious.

"Three low-level spirit stones, did you steal the money?"

"This lady, I don't like to hear what you said. What is stealing money? I don't do that kind of thing, and you don't ask me. Is I that kind of person?"

Hearing Fu Ying's words, Mouse San was also a little anxious.

"Three low-level spirit stones are very cheap for you. Some people ask for the price, but they are much darker than me. If this brother is not pleasing to the eye, three low-level spirit stones? Below six low-level spirit stones, I will None of it."

After speaking, he turned his head to the side angrily.

Upon hearing this, Fu Ying hesitated.

"What is the spirit stone? Is it the transaction currency here?"

Chen Feng turned to look at Fu Ying and asked curiously.

"Well, that's what it is."

Fu Ying heard the words and took out a stone.

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