Chen Feng took the stone in his hand, felt it, and found that the spiritual power inside was almost one-tenth of his own body, and he immediately understood the function of this spiritual stone.

"This thing has a lot of spiritual power."

"Yeah, this spirit stone can not only be used as currency, but also as a cultivation resource."

Fu Ying took back the spirit stones, and with some distress, she took out two more and handed them to Mouse San together.

"Hey, these are three spirit stones. You take us here to visit 613 first, and by the way, tell us about the distribution of forces here."

"Okay, the girl is also a sensible person. I am here to apologize to the girl."

Mouse San took the spirit stone and immediately smiled.

He put away the Lingshi and bowed to Fu Ying.

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly, an hour will pass soon."

Fu Ying didn't buy into his apology and hurriedly urged.

"Okay, let's go. Let's go."

The three mice were also sensible. Seeing that Fu Ying was impatient to listen to her words, she quickly turned around and led them towards the interior.

"This spiritual stone is only available in the Hidden Realm. There is no such thing outside. Therefore, many people squeezed their heads and wanted to come in."

Fu Ying continued to explain while walking.

"Think about it, in such an environment, with the help of resources like spirit stones, how could the cultivation be slow."

In Fu Ying's words, she also expressed the thoughts of some members of their family.

"Several, it's getting dark this day, I'll take you to a place to eat first, and then I'll take you around the Kundong Ruins."

Just as he was talking, the voice of the third mouse came over again.

Looking at the sky, it was indeed completely dark, and several people agreed. .

Chapter 1: Power Distribution (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

During the meal, nothing else happened.

Chen Feng and the others had a very safe meal, the only thing that made Fu Ying unhappy was that.

This meal cost a whole four low-level spirit stones.

This made Fu Ying feel a little distressed, but think about it again.

The meal was pretty good, and it seemed worth the price, so I was relieved.

"Several, tonight is when the Kundong Ruins officially start, let's go, I'll take you around."

Mouse San wiped his mouth and walked forward with his stomach erect.

"Hmph, take our money and eat us, I have never seen someone as shameless as you."

When Fu Ying heard Mu San's words, she immediately became angry.

"Hey, this lady, you can't talk like that. I'll be your guide for Shusan, and the money I collect doesn't include my room and board."

Mouse San held something and said lazily while picking his teeth.


Fu Ying was almost stunned by his words, raising her hand like beating him.

Seeing this, Chen Feng quickly grabbed her and said to Mouse San.

"Okay, you've earned the money, and you've taken the food. Start your work now. Tell us about the Kundong Ruins first."

"Hey, alright, it's still good for this brother to speak."

Mouse San smiled and threw away the things in his hand, came to them, pondered for a while, and said.

"A few people who can come in must be people from the hidden world, so you all know about three sects, four clans and eight gates?"

After seeing several people nodded at the same time, they continued.

"These forces control the four largest trading markets in the hidden world, and the black market of Kundong Ruins is controlled by the four major families."

As he said that, a jade slip appeared in his hand and handed it to Chen Feng, signaling him to input his spiritual power into it.

After Chen Feng entered his spiritual power, a miniature map appeared above the jade slip, which was the map of Kundong Ruins.

However, it is divided into four areas by four colors, and the faction of the area is also marked on it.

The mouse three pointed to the upper left corner, the large piece with the word Qi written on it.

"The four clans of King Qi Liu and Zhao have divided the Kundong Ruins into four areas. The Qi family is the most powerful of the four clans. It is backed by the largest sect, Shenyanzong, and is in charge of the largest exchange in Kundong Ruins. There are all market taxes..."

"The Liu family took the second place, and together with the third Wang family, they controlled the black transactions and the collection of protection fees in the entire Kundong Ruins."

"And this Zhao family, tsk tsk, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs."

Speaking of this, Mouse San couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Everyone listened to him talking, and suddenly such a sentence came, and they were all curious.

"What? Was this Zhao family very powerful in the past?"

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