Looking at the nine-pattern Enlightenment Leaf in his hand, Chen Feng said something that almost stunned Mouse San.

"So good, then this thing should be very valuable, right?"

"What? Worth it??"

Mouse San was stunned for a moment, then stammered and asked.

"Big, lord, is it difficult, you want to sell this thing?"

"Yeah, what, can't you?"

Chen Feng glanced at him and said casually.

"I still have this thing. Anyway, I don't lack this thing. It's better to sell it and exchange it for some spirit stones."

With that said, Chen Feng threw a leaf to him.

The mouse hurriedly took the leaf, looked at the leaf in his hand, and asked stupidly.

"Big, my lord, you, you said you still have? Then you are..."

Here it is, in the next few days, we are here to play, and you can be our tour guide "One Eight Seven".

Chen Feng pointed to the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf in his hand, and then pointed to him.

"This Dao Leaf will give you a reward."

"Here, give it to me?"

The sudden surprise made Mouse San a little unable to react.

Holding Daoye, he smiled silly.

"Don't want it? That's it, I'll replace it with a spirit stone for you."

With that said, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to take back the Dao Ye in his hand.

"No no no, uncle, you said, this is given to me, how can I take it back, isn't it a guide, don't worry, I will definitely bring you all to play happily."

How could Shu San let Chen Feng really take it back, he quickly put away Dao Ye, and said with a flattering smile.

"Okay, okay, take us to the exchange."

Chen Feng waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Exchange? Uncle, are you really going to the exchange?"

However, when the three mice heard his words, he hesitated.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with the exchange?"

"Well, this exchange is controlled by the Qi family. It's a common thing for black people to eat black people."

Mouse San explained patiently, trying to dispel Chen Feng's idea of ​​running to the exchange to trade.

"This nine-pattern enlightenment leaf is a legendary thing. Once it appears, after verifying its authenticity, the Qi family will definitely want to do everything possible to steal your spiritual plant."

"Oh, come here, I'm afraid he won't come. It just so happens that I have something to solve with him."

Chen Feng curled his lips in disdain, disapproving of what Mouse San said.

Mouse San sighed and had to answer.

After a few sips of the tea on the table, Shu San took Chen Feng and the others, left here, and walked towards the exchange.

"This exchange is located in the northwest corner, and it is also where the Qi family's base camp is located in the Kundong Ruins."

Turning around, a jade slip appeared on the third hand of the mouse. After inputting spiritual power, the map of Kundong Ruins appeared above.

"Look here."

Saying that, Mouse San locked the map to the northwest corner and zoomed in.

Chen Feng saw that in the middle of the northwest corner, there was a building that covered a huge area.

"This is the exchange, and the base camp of the Qi family is also here."

Chen Feng looked at the map and found that there were four or five triangular signs around the exchange. He pointed to those signs and asked.

"what is this?"

Chapter 1 Sold for money (plus one, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"what is this?"

Hearing the words, Mouse San looked at the place Chen Feng pointed, and said casually.

"These? These things are treasures made by the Qi family looking for the refining master, and they are specially used here to intimidate people."

While speaking, he raised his finger and pointed to the air.

"Well, those things are basically useless, just like decorations."

Chen Feng looked up and saw five large pyramids floating in the air.

The surface of the pyramid is golden, and the four corners are flashing with cold light. At first glance, people have a shuddering feeling.

But for Chen Feng, just like what Mouse San said just now, it's all just a decoration.

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