Not long after, Shu San brought Chen Feng and his party to the exchange.

As soon as I approached the exchange, I heard the voices inside, it was extremely lively.

After passing through a door and handing over a low-level spirit stone to one person, he was able to enter.

When he first entered the Kundong Ruins, Chen Feng thought that there were enough people in that place.

After all, from the perspective of the map, it is equivalent to a flea market, where you can buy everything.

But in this exchange, if you want to sell something, it must be tested. Only genuine things can be traded here.  …

"Come and take a look, the best spirit grass, just picked, two plants only need one spirit stone..."

"The third-grade elixir that has just been released, Huiling Pill..."

Looking at it all the way, there are all kinds of things for sale, and even Chen Feng was still in a booth and saw a person selling aphrodisiac drugs.

Chen Feng, who looked at it, was a little speechless.

"This place is what you said must be genuine to enter? I want to ask, how do they test this medicine?"

Pointing at the aphrodisiac seller, Chen Feng asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Uh... this, hehe, you know, hehe..."

Mouse San also rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and smiled slyly at Chen Feng.

Glancing at him speechlessly, Chen Feng didn't want to waste any more time.

"Wouldn't you just let me be here, set up a stall, and sell the nine-pattern enlightenment leaves?"

"No, no, no, how can you, that kind of thing must be auctioned."

Hearing the words, Mouse San quickly waved his hand.

"This is the place where ordinary people set up stalls and trade, and the inside is the place for auction. I will take you to the place for appraisal first."

Saying that, Mouse San took the lead and walked forward.

As he walked, Chen Feng noticed a vague line of sight, staring at himself and others all the time.

Quietly exudes the domineering and domineering, and perceives the surrounding movement and stillness.

It didn't take long for him to notice that in the high-rise building not far away, there was a hint of hostility towards him.

"Huh? This is it?"

After Chen Feng sensed it, a picture appeared in his mind.

I was asking people to identify the items there, and a man in Tsing Yi came with a few guards, and he couldn't help but ask people to arrest him.

The picture stopped abruptly when the man reached out and grabbed the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf.

The domineering random prediction ability of Jianwense was activated again.

Knowing what would happen next, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

"Want to rob me? Let's consider whether you are qualified or not."

But what made Chen Feng puzzled was that the man gave him a strange feeling.

It seems that I have seen him somewhere. .

Chapter [-] What should come is still coming (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

The three mice led them through the periphery of the exchange and came to the corner of the exchange, where there was a door, and there were two guards guarding the door.

After being checked by two guards, they were released and entered the room.

"Shusan, you are here again, what good things did you bring this time?"

A middle-aged man with glasses saw that the three came in, took off his glasses, and said with a smile.

"What good things can I have, this time I brought this master to sell something."

The third mouse accompanied him with a smile, walked over, and quietly handed a low-level spirit stone over.

"Oh, that's it, okay, you brought the three mice, that's definitely a distinguished guest."

The middle-aged man calmly put away the low-level spirit stone and said politely to Chen Feng.

"This guest, what do you want to auction?"

"This is what I want to sell."

Chen Feng released the whole plant of the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf.

"I don't know, do you dare to auction here?"

"This is??"

A middle-aged man can be an appraiser here, and his eyesight will naturally still be there.

Putting on his glasses, he took out a magnifying glass from his arms, and looked closely at 19.

"Nine Patterns Enlightenment Leaf..."

The middle-aged appraiser just went over, and Chen Feng said it directly.

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