With a greedy look in his eyes, he glanced at the other three women, and Qi Yu spoke again.

"By the way, and these beauties, let them accompany me for one night, tomorrow morning, I will personally send you out of the hidden world, how about it?"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng's eyes, which had a hint of a smile, instantly cooled down.

"no need……"

The cold voice came over, causing Qi Yu and Qi Huan to shudder at the same time, their necks stiffened, and they slowly looked at Chen Feng.

I saw that Chen Feng was exuding cold air, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to have substance, and shot towards the two of them.

"Because, you can die now."

Chapter 1 Treasure Launch (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the two were stunned at the same time.

Hearing this, Qi Yu wanted to laugh, but when he felt the killing intent on Chen Feng, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because, the killing intent on Chen Feng's body was about to condense into substance, piercing straight into his heart, causing him to have thoughts of fear.

A terrified look emerged from his eyes.

"You, who are you!! Who are you in the end!!! There is no one like you in the hidden world!!!"

At this critical juncture, Qi Yu kept thinking about the powerhouses of the younger generation in the hidden world in his mind, but after thinking about it over and over, no one matched Chen Feng.

"Did I say I'm from the Hidden Realm?"

Chen Feng shrugged and said casually.

"Not from the Hidden Realm?"

Qi Yu swallowed his saliva in disbelief.

Because, if Chen Feng is from the Hidden Realm, it would be better for him to think about it. After all, the environment and cultivation resources of the Hidden Realm are displayed here, and he may be a disciple trained by some hidden master.

But if it is not a person from the hidden world, this makes him doubt himself.

At the same time, the people around them also involuntarily compared themselves with Chen Feng in their minds, and then stunned to find that there is no comparison at all.

You are not a person from the hidden world, and you only rely on the resources and spiritual power concentration of 740 outside to cultivate to the current state. How can you let us people live?

At this time, Qi Huan whispered in Qi Yu's ear.

"Second uncle, this guy is the one who killed me once in Tianren Mansion, but he was obviously not that strong back then!!"


Qi Yu was shocked when he heard this.

Because Qi Huan was also killed as Qi Sheng, he was called back and naturally knew something.

The disciples sent out at that time, because Chen Feng's whereabouts were uncertain, could not find any trace of Chen Feng, but they did find out some news about Chen Feng.

For example, killing the lord of Ten Thousand Demons City alone, killing the Yuan family alone, etc.

At that time, they had already made an assessment of Chen Feng's strength, and finally came to the conclusion that Chen Feng might be a person with peak strength, and he was able to leapfrog battles with amazing talent.

But seeing Chen Feng now, this is completely inconsistent with the conclusion they reached at that time! !

Nima, who can grow from the realm of heaven to the existence of the real monarch realm in two months?

The existence of this Chen Feng is completely unreasonable! !

After thinking about it, Qi Yu found sadly that he didn't have any way to deal with such a scene.

Suddenly, the corner of his eyes turned to the huge pyramid-shaped treasure in the sky, and he was instantly delighted.

He calmly pinched a seal, and then used the fastest speed in his life to take out a jade slip and slap the seal on it.

"Chen Feng, right? Even if your strength is comparable to the Venerable, as long as you don't reach the Venerable Realm, then you are dead!!"

While speaking, the four pyramid-shaped treasures in the sky stirred up, moved quickly at a speed that did not match their huge size, and gathered on the top of everyone's heads.

Qi Yu lifted the jade slip in his hand, and a beam of light shot out from the pyramid, shrouding Qi Yu and Qi Huan, and then disappeared in place.

"Fuck!! This Qi Yu actually has a jade slip under his control?"

After going through this series of things, Rat San was completely numb.

But at this time, I was surprised to see that Qi Yu actually brought Qi Huan and was sucked away by the pyramid Qi Qi.

Chapter 1 Treasure Launch (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

But at this time, I was surprised to see that Qi Yu actually brought Qi Huan and was sucked away by the pyramid Qi Qi.

"Sir, you can hide for a while. Basically, the four treasures shoot a salvo in one round. As long as you don't reach the Venerable Realm, you will be disabled if you don't die."

When Chen Feng heard the words, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"Is this thing that powerful?"

"It's more than powerful, it's just... um, how should I put it, if these five treasures are only single, the power is basically the triple attack (bjfa) attack of the True Sovereign Realm, but if they are combined... "

Mouse San said, glanced shyly at the pyramid that had begun to slowly come together on his head, and said again.

"Once they are combined, under the Venerable, they will be destroyed if they touch them, and those in the middle will die."

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