After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Feng worriedly.

What he meant by saying this was that he wanted Chen Feng to take advantage of the present to find a place to hide, wait for a while, and then come out.

However, what he didn't expect was that his words aroused Chen Feng's curiosity.

"Is it?"

Looking at the pyramid that was about to be assembled with interest, Chen Feng moved his hands and feet.

"Tsk tsk, I want to get it over here and see what's outstanding."

"I wipe..."

The third mouse stared at Chen Feng dumbfounded, and only woke up after he put the four girls away and flew into the sky.

As soon as he patted his head, the mouse looked around three or four times.

"Mother, let me slip first, uncle, if you're okay, I'll be your guide."

After whispering in a low voice, Mouse San lowered his head and followed the crowd.

"Hmph, you didn't run away. You have the courage, but I hope you will be so courageous after a while."

It has been combined into a huge pyramid, and Qi Yu's voice came, and then the four edges and corners of the pyramid began to condense energy.

The cold light radiated from the four corners, giving people a sense of serenity.

The people below were even more flustered when they saw this radiant light.


"Damn, get out of the way, don't get in the way of the uncle."

"Fuck, you're giving me a break!!"

"It's a dog in the sun, what's going on, I suddenly use this thing."

"Is that guy from the Qi family crazy? Use the strongest form when you come up?"

The noisy voice came up, and Chen Feng stood in the air and glanced at the panicked crowd below.

"It seems that this thing is still quite a deterrent to the people here? I hope I won't disappoint myself."

Chen Feng decided to use his demon body to test the power of this treasure. If possible, Chen Feng would not mind grabbing it and transforming it.

When he first saw the four pyramids, an idea popped into Chen Feng's mind.

"Perhaps, you can try to refine that thing. After refining it, you will save a lot of trouble in the future."

Chapter 2 Male God Protector League? (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Naturally, the other three families in Kundong Ruins knew about the changes in the exchange, and they reported to their own family at the same time.

On the Qi family's side, someone had already reported it as early as the conflict began. At this time, the head of the Qi family was leading a large number of people towards Kundong Ruins.

Three figures appeared on the roof of a house not far from the exchange.

Three figures, almost indiscriminately, arrived here one after another.

"Yo, Lao Liu, _isn't it slow?"

Wang Hao, the principal of the Wang family in Kundong Ruins, looked at the principal of Liujia Kundong Ruins on the other side, and joked.

"Hehe, you are not slow."

Liu Yanpi replied without a smile.

The head of the Zhao family stood in a corner, fixedly watching the battle above, silent, with a cold face.

"Tsk tsk, remember that the last time the Qi family used the spirit-killing treasure was [-] years ago. It was that time that established the position of the head of the Qi family's four clans. Now, it is used again, but only for one person."

Wang Hao looked at Chen Feng in the air with interest and said.

"Hmph, this Qi family is becoming less and less like the head of the four clans. To deal with a small True Monarch cultivator, to actually use a spirit-killing treasure, the more you live, the more you go back."

Liu Yan snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"Hey, I can't say that. I can only say that the current generation of the Qi family is too weak."

Wang Hao said with some disapproval.

"However, it's a good thing that they are weak, right? Brother Zhao?"

Standing in the corner, Zhao Li turned his head and glanced at him silently, and then focused his attention on Chen Feng in the air again.

Seeing him like this, a trace of coldness flashed across Wang Hao's eyes.

At this time, the energy of the pyramid seems to have gathered to an extreme.

"I gave you a chance just now, and now, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, it's too late!! Go to hell!!!"

With Qi Yu's proud cry, the energy on the pyramid burst out and shot forward.

Halfway through, the four beams of light merged into one, and finally shot at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng floated in mid-air, felt this attack, and nodded indistinctly, knowing it in his heart.

The power of this attack is indeed not something that the True Monarch Realm can resist, not even a half-step Venerable.

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