Because the power of this attack completely surpassed the two-rank Venerable, and brazenly reached a level close to the fourth-rank.

However, even so, it was absolutely impossible to cause any damage to Chen Feng.

The body of the devil is not for dry food.

Besides, Chen Feng transformed into various elements, how could these possibly cause him any harm.

The reason why he did this is to test the power of this treasure, and secondly, to make those individuals despair, and to make some people who are observing secretly give up their little abacus.

If you want to trouble yourself, you can. Let’s first weigh whether you are qualified or not.

The speed of the energy beam was very fast, and it hit Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

The dazzling light made everyone close their eyes.

Although he closed his eyes, the roar of the energy hitting the object kept reverberating in his ears.

After a cup of tea, the roaring stopped, and everyone opened their eyes one after another.

After they saw the scene in the sky, there were only two thoughts left in their minds.

"This is impossible!!" "This guy is not human!!".

Immediately afterwards, he rubbed his eyes, trying to make sure that he was dazzled.

Think about it, the scene of nearly a thousand people rubbing their eyes together is quite spectacular.

But after rubbing his eyes, he found that Chen Feng was still standing in the air intact, only his shirt was slightly damaged.

Chen Feng ripped off his tattered clothes, revealing his sturdy upper body.

Some of the female cultivators below saw Chen Feng ripping off his clothes, and immediately blushed and became excited.

"Wow!! He is so handsome!!"

Chapter 2 Male God Protector League? (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Wow!! He is so handsome!!"

"Too man!! I want to marry him!!"

"Male god!! He will be my male god in the future!! Who knows what the male god is called!!"

"Yeah, who knows what his name is?"

"Hey, don't worry about it, a male god is a male god, does it matter what it is called?"

"I've decided, I want to set up a male god's protection alliance to protect the male god's cultivation and immortality. Does anyone want to join?"


"Add me one!!"

"And me and me!!"

"Let's talk about it first, to join the Dao Protector League, you must pay a low-level spirit stone for the organization of maintenance and various things in the league."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Isn't it just a low-level spirit stone, don't talk nonsense, I'll join!!"

"Here, it's just a low-level spirit stone, take it."

"For the male god!! I can give up anything!!"

The woman who received the money took out a small table and a small bench with a serious face, and sat aside.

After a while, he took out another jade slip, mapped a blank screen, and wrote several large characters on it.

"Male God Protector League Registration Office"

"The cost of joining the alliance is a low-level spirit stone"

"Purpose: Use everything we have to protect the male god's way of cultivating Taoism and immortality!!"

All the female monks present came to sign up one after another.

The woman sat behind the desk, doing the registration with jade slips.

Name, cultivation base, residence, etc., the registration is very detailed.

0 ......

The other monks around were stunned when they saw this scene.

Looking at Chen Feng in the sky enviously, then thinking about himself, he lowered his head in shame.

Can't compare! Can't compare! !

At such a young age, they can resist the final blow of the spirit-killing treasure with their physical bodies. They have cultivated for so many years, and all of them have been cultivated on dogs.

In the pyramid, Qi Yu and Qi Huan both looked at Chen Feng in the picture with a broken face.

"How is it possible that the Soul Destruction Treasure is unscathed by the final blow? How is it possible!! Is he a monster?"

Qi Yu said dumbly.

Qi Huan, who was next to him, was stimulated by his words, and kept mumbling a little delirious.

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