"He is a monster, he is not a human, yes, he is not a human, he is a monster, haha, hahaha, he is a monster!! There is no way to defeat a monster, he is a monster!!"

Qi Yu looked at Qi Huan like this, the string in his head almost snapped.

But fortunately, he practiced longer than Qi Huan, and his mood was much more stable than his.

Biting the tip of his tongue and calming himself, Qi Huan activated the spirit-killing treasure again.

"Chen Feng! You wait for me!!"

The voice fell, and he fled towards the exit at a rapid speed.

When Chen Feng saw that he wanted to run, he was immediately upset.

What's wrong with Lao Tzu asking you to fight here, but you can't beat him and want to run?How can there be such a good thing?

With a wave of his hand, the domain immediately covered the spirit-killing treasure.

"Want to run? Come back. You.".

Chapter 3 I won (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The spirit-killing treasure shrouded in the domain stagnated in mid-air.

"What, what's going on!!"

Qi Yu was inside and said in horror.

He found that no matter how he activated the spirit-killing treasure, the spirit-killing treasure just stopped in mid-air, motionless, and there were signs of slowly retreating.

"He's a monster, we can't win, he's a monster!!"

Qi Huan was on the side, and he kept repeating this sentence with a dull expression.

After a while, a crazy look appeared on his face.

"If I die, then you lose, yes!! I can't let you kill me, I kill myself, you lose, haha, you lose!!!"

After speaking, a sword appeared in his hand.

"You can't be killed by him, neither of us can be killed by him, if he kills him, we will lose "July [-]", yes, if you kill you, I will get two points, and he will Lost, hahaha..."

The voice fell, and he swung his sword towards Qi Yu.

Qi Yu's attention was completely on the control of the spirit-killing treasure at this time, and he didn't notice Qi Huan's abnormality at all.

It wasn't until the sword in Qi Huan's hand slashed into his neck that he suddenly woke up.

However, it's too late.

The sword in Qi Huan's hand slashed straight on his neck.

Qi Yu didn't even have time to let out a scream, and was cut off by this sword.

His head fell to the ground, and after rolling a few laps, he stopped, his eyes were wide and full of horror.

"One point! Haha, I got one point, and next, it's the second point!"

With a weird smile on Qi Huan's face, he swung his sword sharply and slashed towards his neck.



After two beeps, Qi Huan's head also fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and rolled beside Qi Yu's head.

At this time, there was still a weird smile on his face, as if to say, I won.

Chen Feng was in control of the domain and forcefully pulled the spirit-killing treasure towards him.

However, due to the relatively large size of the spirit-killing treasure, and the fact that Qi Yu had been controlling the acceleration of the spirit-killing treasure before, it was a bit difficult.

Suddenly, he felt that the power of the spirit-killing treasure tool had disappeared, and Chen Feng pulled the spirit-killing treasure tool directly with one more force.

"Huh? Is this giving up resistance?"

Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

Because he could see that Qi Yu was not the kind of person who was willing to give up easily.

Now that the strength of resistance is small, if I think about it, something must have happened.

Chen Feng vigilantly probed into the spirit-killing treasure, but found that there was a dead silence inside, and there was no movement at all.

While wondering, I suddenly found two separated corpses on the ground.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

This discovery made Chen Feng a little stunned.

He didn't know what happened to make these two people die so tragically.

With a god-level refining tool in his body, Chen Feng figured out how to control this treasure in a short while.

A series of spirits were fired, a portal opened on the treasure, and Chen Feng walked in.

Because the treasure was controlled here, it suddenly lit up inside.

Chen Feng saw at a glance, two headless corpses lying on the ground.

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