Chapter 3 I won (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Chen Feng saw at a glance, two headless corpses lying on the ground.

After looking around, I saw Qi Huan's head in a corner.

"Uh, this is, mental breakdown?"

The expression on Qi Huan's face made Chen Feng think of some possibilities.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Tsk tsk, in such a bad mood, how did you cultivate to such a level?"

What Chen Feng didn't know was that if it was Qi Sheng before, he would not be in such a bad mood.

Just because Chen Feng had already killed him once, during the time in the soul lamp, Qi Sheng was tortured so much that he almost went crazy.

I couldn't sleep and couldn't sleep. I wanted to practice mysticism, but when I closed my eyes, Chen Feng's indifferent eyes filled his mind.

In addition, when the house was seized later, it caused some damage to the soul.

Then he faced the situation of being killed by Chen Feng again, which is why he collapsed so easily.

Disgusted, a few strands of cold air were separated, and the two corpses were frozen and thrown out.

"Well, this treasure, on the whole, is quite acceptable. If you remodel it, it should be almost the same."

Chen Feng looked at the empty interior space, rubbed his chin and thought about it...  

While thinking about it, he walked out, not caring that there were still a large group of people watching, and just stood next to the spirit-killing treasure and thought about it.

"I'm going, so fierce? Is this guy still human?"

Standing in the distance, Wang Hao couldn't help exclaiming when he saw that Chen Feng had resolved the battle so quickly.

Just as he was about to pass, the corner of his eye turned to the figure of a large group of people, and his face showed an expression of watching a good show.

"The main play is about to be staged. This time, the Qi family has made a lot of money?"

Hearing his words, Liu Yan and Zhao Li turned their heads to look at the pair of people, and found out that the current head of the Qi family, Qi Tianrui, took the lead.

The outside of the crowd became noisy again, interrupting Chen Feng's train of thought.

Unhappy raised his head and looked at the place where the crowd separated.

I saw a middle-aged man with a face full of anger, followed by a large number of people walking over.

"Murderer!! What have you done to my son?"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he knew the identity of this person.

Qi Tianrui, the current head of the Qi family, is suspected of being a Venerable realm.

"Your son? Well, over there."

Chen Feng picked out his ears, pouted, raised his chin, and motioned him to look to the other side.

Qi Tianrui turned his head to look aside, but saw two 0.2 headless corpses, his face turned white.

"You, you bastard!! To kill innocent people indiscriminately here, I think you must be a spy sent by the demons! Today, I will destroy your scourge for my righteous path."

I have to say that Qi Tianrui has lived here for a long time, and he still has his head.

After the death of his son, he is still so calm, standing on the commanding heights of morality and resonating with others.

"Cut, if you want to fight, you can fight, can you stop so much nonsense and return the spies of the demons, I think you are still a lackey of the underworld."

Chen Feng curled his lips in disdain and said.

He just said it casually, but Qi Tianrui's face turned pale and he was speechless.

Seeing this, Chen Feng's thoughts turned and his face became strange.

"You, aren't you really the lackey of the Lao Shizi Ming clan?".

The [-]th chapter of the ancient killing array (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

"How could this deity have anything to do with the Ming clan, how can you confuse people!!"

Qi Tianrui snorted coldly and calmly said.

"You scum of the human race!! If it wasn't related to the demon race, why would you just kill my Qi family's children!!"

"Hehe, why so much nonsense? Hit me or not? Don't hit me and leave."

Chen Feng glanced at him and said disdainfully.

I brought a large group of people who were not lower than the real monarch realm. I was still a master in the realm of the venerable.

Having said that, Chen Feng put away the spirit-killing treasure, and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Qi Tianrui became anxious.

Not to mention that his son and his younger brother were killed, Qi Tianrui couldn't let Chen Feng go.

With a wave of his hand, all the children of the Qi family immediately surrounded Chen Feng.

Seeing this situation, Chen Feng's eyes turned cold.

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