The giant sword was already covered with cracks and bits of debris, which were constantly detaching from the sword body, and then turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

"Fuck, today's trip to Kundong Ruins didn't come in vain, this god is too good."

"It's fine to be able to fight alone with the spirit-killing treasure. Even the Qi family's box-pressing formation can withstand it. It's awesome."

"Hey, let me tell you, I just paid 973 to buy news at Jishu Pavilion. This guy is called Chen Feng, and he is only sixteen years old this year!! Outside of the hidden world, it can be said to be famous all over the world."

"Sixteen years old? Damn it, I thought he was the old monster who went back to basics."

"Cut, what's that? More than two months ago, when they were still in the realm of concentration, they killed people in the realm of heaven and human..."

"Concentration realm more than two months ago? What realm is he in now? It can't be the real realm, right? Even the real realm, it can't be so awesome, right?"

"Show, too show!!"

"If only I were as arrogant as him..."

"Just think about it, if you want to be so good, you also go and create a dragon soul."

"Dragon Soul? You're not talking about the Dragon Soul during the Tianji Pillar test, are you?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

The people around were talking a lot, and those in the formation were not having a good time.


A huge noise was uploaded from the giant sword, and then the entire giant sword collapsed.

At the moment when the giant sword shattered, the Qi family disciples in the formation were all attacked, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

As for Qi Tianrui, although the backlash was not that serious, he still groaned, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. .

Chapter 1 Enemies on all sides (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"You, how did you do it!!"

Qi Tianrui wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth and landed on the ground. He looked at the disciple who lay in a circle, but calmed down and asked Chen Feng.

"What else? Just a simple punch like this, it can only be said that you are too weak."

Chen Feng said casually.

When Qi Tianrui heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

What do you mean they are too weak, obviously you are too strong?

The one move that can directly kill the fifth-rank Venerable was solved by you underestimating it, but you said that we were too weak.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianrui's eyes lit up.

Seeing his expression, Chen Feng knew that this scumbag had some crooked ideas.

As expected, Qi Tianrui's face changed suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he pointed at Chen Feng and shouted in horror.

"You, you are definitely a spy of the Demon Sect!!"

Seeing him like this, Chen Feng was stunned because he was prepared.

Which show is this going to play?Still doing this?Sell ​​badly?

Qi Tianrui ran to the front of the crowd and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, listen to me, this person is definitely a spy sent by the Demon Race. In the name of the current Patriarch of the Qi Family, I call on everyone to fight this Demon Head together. Otherwise, when he leaves the Kundong Ruins, there will be endless troubles. "

The enthusiastic people who were eating melons and watching the play and watching Qi Tianrui said this made them look at each other in dismay. For a while, they didn't know if they should believe what Qi Tianrui said.

"Look, this person is so young, he has such powerful strength, and his physical body is still so powerful. Except for the remnants of the demon race, who can have such physical strength!!"

When Qi Tianrui said this, some people have begun to doubt it.

"Yes, except for the legendary demons, it seems that no one can train the body to this level?"

"Yeah, even the rumored undead golden body can't reach such a level, right?"

"It's really suspicious. He looks like he's less than twenty years old, right? He can have such strength before he's twenty years old, sigh..."

"Don't forget, he is the one who inspires the dragon soul."

"Hey, it's also passed down by word of mouth to motivate the dragon soul. Who knows if it's true or not, even if someone saw it with their own eyes, what if it was a trick he made?"

"Huh, if that's the case, then it's terrifying to think about."

Just now, some female monks who joined the so-called Male God Protector League quietly put away some of the support signs in their hands.

Even the woman who initiated the Men's Dao Protection Alliance hesitated for a moment, but her eyes soon became firm.

"I don't believe your nonsense!! Don't believe him either, what if he lied to us?"

The girl stood up and shouted loudly at the crowd, then turned to look at Chen Feng.

"Male god! Come on!! I believe you are not a spy of the demons!!!"

Seeing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but burst into laughter.

When Qi Tianrui saw this scene, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he came to the girl's side.

She tapped her hands several times on her body, and then the girl rolled her eyes and fainted.

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