"Everyone, don't be fooled, this girl has been bewitched by him, and now I will expel the magic power from her body!!"

Saying that, he put one hand on the girl's forehead.

"This is the evidence!!!"

Following his movements, the girl struggled with a ferocious expression, and a black shadow appeared from her forehead.


Chapter 1 are enemies on all sides (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.


Seeing this scene, the crowd completely boiled.

"Fuck!! It's actually true."

"Oh my god!! Are the demons so arrogant now?"

"No, you are wrong, should the demons be so cunning now? You must know the rumored demons, they are all well-developed limbs and simple-minded."

"It doesn't matter, since it is really a demon spy, then we should help Qi Patriarch to eradicate this demon scourge!!"

Seeing that people had been tricked by him, Qi Tianrui nodded slightly in one direction, and then said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Although I, Qi Tianrui, are not a good person, I can still distinguish right from wrong in front of this kind of big right and wrong. Thank you very much for believing in me."

After speaking, he bowed to the crowd.

"Patriarch Qi, don't do this, we can all understand your mood."

"Yeah, fellow Daoists!! Let's join Patriarch Qi, for the Hidden Realm, for the Earth Immortal Realm, and slay the remnants of the Demon Race!!"

"Cut off the remnants of the demons!!"

Chen Feng, who was standing aside, watched all this happen with cold eyes.

Seeing Qi Tianrui casually throw the girl aside, the killing intent in his eyes was even more intense.

"."The devil! If you don't have time, you will be captured! Tell all your accomplices!!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Qi Tianrui straightened up, turned to look at Chen Feng, and shouted in a righteous voice.

"Associate? Hmph, I'm enough alone!!"

Chen Feng snorted coldly and slowly approached the crowd.

"Another thing to tell you, I'm very angry now!!"

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, the people in front of him involuntarily stepped back.

When Qi Tianrui saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Special mother, you said you want to help me, then you go up, always backing up, doing wool! !

In the end, Qi Tianrui gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

"Bastard! Die!!!"

As he said that, a spirit sword appeared in front of him, and he pinched it with both hands, and the spirit sword was divided into two, two and four. The tip pointed directly at Chen Feng.

At this time, Ling Jue suddenly changed, all (Li Qianhao) swords flew towards Chen Feng as if they had received an order.

Chen Feng's expression changed. He took three steps at a time and rushed forward, and came to the girl who was manipulated by Qi Tianrui.

With one hand, a transparent light curtain enveloped the two of them.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

The continuous voice came, making Chen Feng unhappy for a while.

"Hahaha, wicked beast, just wait until you die!! Fellow Daoists, help me, let's take action together and destroy the remnants of this demon race!!"

"it is good!!"

"Okay!! Unexpectedly, I will also have the day to destroy the devil!!"

"Hahaha!! Fellow Daoists, let's do it together!!"

I have to say that Qi Tianrui's words are still somewhat effective.

Now, most of the cultivators present had been persuaded by Qi Tianrui, and they all used their strongest move towards Chen Feng. .

Chapter 2 Sensation in the Hidden Realm (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Seeing this group of people, they all rushed towards him, Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Wait for the mayfly, how can you shake the tree?"

And Mouse San, who was in a corner, saw such a scene, and immediately cast a sympathetic look at the group of people.

"A bunch of people who don't know how to live or die, what kind of thing is Qi Tianrui, believe him, you deserve to die here."

Obviously, Shu San, who had witnessed everything, did not believe Qi Tianrui, but hid to the side early to observe the situation on the field.

He knew that he couldn't help him much, and that he might cause trouble if he went, so he might as well find a place to stay.

"Get down for me!!!"

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