A cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and then a strong momentum burst out from his body, pressing everyone to the ground.

It is the domineering domineering that has not been used for a long time.

"You!! This, this is the domain!! How can your domain be so strong!!"

Qi Tianrui looked at Chen Feng in shock, and said something unexpected.

"Hmph, you don't know, there are more."

Chen Feng snorted coldly, and in a flash, 057 came to Qi Tianrui's side, who was struggling to stand upright and prevent himself from lying on the ground.

"For example, this day Yan Yan seal?"

After a strange smile, Chen Feng used the martial arts divine seal, and the golden chains immediately surrounded Qi Tianrui and entered his body.


Qi Tianrui screamed with a pale face, and was directly pressed to the ground by the huge momentum, and even fell into the depth of half a finger on the ground.

Fortunately, his cultivation base has reached the Venerable Realm, and his physical strength has naturally improved, and he did not die all at once, but it is almost the same.

Lying on the ground, Qi Tianrui, who was out of breath because of the enormous pressure, turned purple.

"Why do you think you need to? For such an incompetent son, you have brought up a family of your own."

Chen Feng squatted down, patted Qi Tianrui's face, and said sarcastically.


Qi Tianrui looked at Chen Feng with a purple face, trying to speak with difficulty, but when it came to his mouth, it turned into a slight sound, and he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

(bjbd) "Okay, I won't kill you, let you see with your own eyes how your Qi family was annihilated in history."

Seeing Qi Tianrui like this, Chen Feng pulled him up from the ground.

Looking around at the people who were lying on the ground and struggling to support, Chen Feng said coldly.

"Master, I still have things to do now, and I don't have time to write with you. Next time there is such a thing, these people are your role models."

After speaking, with a wave of the empty hand, a large amount of white mist, with an extremely low chill, enveloped the most powerful group of people who were clamoring just now.

It was just a breath of time, the fog dissipated, and everyone was horrified to discover.

Everyone who has just been shrouded has turned into ice sculptures one by one, and they have no life.

After doing all this, Chen Feng put away the domineering look of the overlord, and looked in another direction, which was the direction of the three principals of Wang, Liu, and Zhao.

Wang Hao, Liu Yan, and Zhao Li were all terrified by Chen Feng's eyes, and they almost jumped up and ran away.

"Go back and tell the people of your family not to bother me, otherwise, the end will be the same as this Qi family."

An indifferent voice sounded quietly beside them.

The three of them were startled, and they all flashed aside and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

But he saw that Chen Feng was standing there, staring coldly at the three of them.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the exchange again, Chen Feng was still walking towards the outside in a hurry.

The three looked at each other and found that the eyes of the other were the same as their own, full of horror.

Chapter 2 Sensation in the Hidden Realm (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The three looked at each other and found that the eyes of the other were the same as their own, full of horror.

"Big, what the lord said, I will pass it back to the family in full, but I don't know the lord, can you tell me the name, so that I can have a name."

After getting a reply, the 'Chen Feng' in front of them slowly dissipated into the air, and did not answer their words.


Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Don't you even bother to tell us your name?"

Wang Hao said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Maybe, like him..."

Liu Yan was silent for a while, then sighed and said.

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Li interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, look at what this is!!"

The two looked at him, only to see Zhao Li's eyes widened, pointing to the ground.

Looking curiously in the direction he pointed, I saw a layer of smoke-like things on the ground, just floating there.

"What, what is this?"

Wang Hao dared to take out his sword, and stepped forward to poke the layer of smoke.

The smoke on the ground was stabbed by him, and it instantly became agitated, and quickly gathered towards the middle.


Startled by this sudden movement, Wang Hao stepped back abruptly, and at the fastest speed in his life, pinched out the defensive spirit.

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