"Yo, it still seems a little awake? Do you want me to wake you up again?"

Before Tie Shan finished his words, he saw Chen Mingxuan standing beside him, looking at him with a smile, and his whole body froze there.

"Haha, haha, that, today's day, it's pretty good, Fan boy, I'll leave it to you here. I have something to do with the teacher. Let's go first, then who, let's talk back."

After a few dry laughs, Tie Shan turned around and was about to leave, but Chen Mingxuan had expected him to do this.

When he turned around, Chen Mingxuan was still standing in front of him. Seeing that this direction would not work, he turned and ran to the other side, but just turned around, Chen Mingxuan was still standing in front of him.

After going back and forth a few times, Tie Shan simply stopped running, clenched his fists with both hands, and hit Chen Mingxuan.

While typing, there are still words in the mouth.

"Niang Xipi, I hide in such a side "three eight seven" corner, you can also find me, is it bothering you?"

Chen Mingxuan dodged his attack dumbfounded and said to him.

"You kid, you have been hiding from me for nearly ten years, and are you still going to continue hiding?"

Tieshan pouted his lips in disdain, his hands kept moving, and he said.

"Che, who knows what's going on when you come to me, every time you come to me, there's nothing good."

Hearing his words, Chen Mingxuan pondered for a while, then looked at him seriously and said.

"Feng'er has come to the Hidden Realm. It's not convenient for me to come forward. I want you to help him secretly."

"Feng'er? Is that the stinky boy who licked my beard when I was a child?"

Hearing Chen Mingxuan mentioning Chen Feng, Tie Shan glared at him and stopped fighting, standing on the spot and said angrily.

"Niang Xipi, this kid was restless when he was a child, but now he's grown up, he's still so arrogant."

Chen Mingxuan stood aside, silent.

In fact, he still agrees with what Tie Shan said in his heart.

"Okay, I get it."

Tie Shan pondered for a while, nodded at him, turned to Fan Haoyan and said.

"Xiao Yanzi, are there any rumors outside recently?"

Fan Haoyan was in a daze, and suddenly heard Tie Shan calling him. He didn't react for a while, and looked at Tie Shan dumbfounded.

"Ah? Master, what are you looking for from me?"

Seeing him like this, Tie Shan suddenly became angry and went up to give him a shudder.

"What are you thinking about every day? I ask you, are there any rumors in the Hidden Realm recently!! Has anything major happened!!"

Fan Haoyan covered his head and said with a bitter face.

"There are, there are, recently in the tavern, I heard some rumors..."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, but when Tie Shan next to him heard him talking about the tavern, he glared at him and knocked on it again.

"Your little brat's wings have grown hard, right? You dare to go to the tavern, I'll beat you..."

"Stop, stop, stop!! Let him finish first, and you're going to beat him after that."

Just when Tie Shan was about to knock up again, Chen Mingxuan stopped him in time.

"I'll finish talking later, I'm cleaning you up."

Tieshan heard the words, glared at him again, and said fiercely.

"Well, isn't this to pick you up, otherwise how can I go back to that place?"

Fan Haoyan looked at Tie Shan aggrievedly and muttered softly.

Hearing this, the expression on Tie Shan's face suddenly froze, Cancan rubbed his hands, and stood aside to look at the sky.

Chen Mingxuan rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, and looked at Fan Haoyan.

"Tell me, what rumors did you hear?"


Fan Haoyan thought for a while before continuing.

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Fan Haoyan thought for a while before continuing.

"I heard that someone made a big fuss in Kundong Ruins, killing the head of the Qi family exchange and the Qi family's direct line. After the Qi family's family head has come over and laid down the ancient remnants controlled by their family, there is no harm. It came out without damage, and finally took away the spirit-killing treasure."

"Well? What's that person's name, do you know?"

Hearing this, Chen Mingxuan suddenly moved in his heart and asked quickly.

"What's it called? This, I didn't pay attention to it, I only heard it, it seems like, yes..."

Fan Haoyan hesitated for a while, trying hard to recall the name he heard at that time.

"It seems to be called, what Feng?"

"Is it Chen Feng?"

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