Chen Mingxuan can basically confirm the answer in his heart, but he still has to confirm it.

"Yes! It's called Chen Feng. At that time, I was in a hurry to bring Master back. What I vaguely heard was this name."

Fan Haoyan was reminded by Chen Mingxuan, he immediately remembered, and clapped his hands and said...  

After confirming that this person was Chen Feng, Chen Mingxuan and Tie Shan looked at each other somewhat.

"This, is this true or false?"

Tieshan asked Chen Mingxuan hesitantly. He could see that Chen Mingxuan was also a little suspicious of the authenticity of this matter.

You know, the head of the Qi family, that is a proper cultivation of the seventh rank of Venerable.

Although he has been stuck in the seventh rank for many years, he can only make an inch, but it is also the seventh rank of the Venerable, and it is not a small fish or shrimp.

Even if Chen Feng is a monster, no matter how high his talent is, he can't reach this level in two or three months, right?

If this is really the case, Chen Mingxuan thought about it, whether he would not return to the Wufu, just cultivate his life in the hidden world, and cultivate with peace of mind.

"I don't know, why don't we go and have a look?"

Chen Mingxuan hesitated and said uncertainly.

"Go and have a look? Okay, Xiao Yanzi, are there any rumors about what he is going to do next??"

Tie Shan was also a little worried about Chen Feng. After all, he watched Chen Feng grow up.

It was not until Chen Feng was six years old that something happened to his sect, and he left the Wufu and came to the hidden world.

"What are you going to do next? Yes, it's been rumored now."

Fan Haoyan heard the words and said without thinking.

"It is rumored that he went to Qi's house."

"What? Going to Qi 5.6's house? What is he doing at Qi's house?"

Hearing this, Chen Mingxuan was a little anxious.

You must know that the Qi family is attached to the current number one sect, the Shenyan sect.

The clan of the entire family is at the foot of the mountain of Shenyanzong's sect.

If the Qi family suffers, Shen Yanzong will never sit idly by, and Chen Feng will not feel well at that time.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up."

Tieshan urged Chen Mingxuan, and then hurriedly walked out.

"Hey, Master, what about me?"

Fan Haoyan hurriedly asked when he saw that he was leaving.

"You? Take a good look at the store and come back to talk later."

Without looking back, Tieshan said directly.

Hearing his words, Fan Haoyan lowered his head sullenly and landed on the ground.


Chapter 1 Refining Floating Cannons (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

On Chen Feng's side, as soon as he came out of Kundong Ruins, he encountered Shu San who had been waiting at the entrance early.

"Sir, you are out."

As soon as he came out, Mouse San came up and said respectfully.

Chen Feng glanced at him and asked while walking.

"Are you waiting for me?"

"Yes, my lord."

Mouse San lowered his head and replied.

"Don't you suspect that I'm a demon spy? You know, I just killed a lot of people just now."

Hearing this, Mouse San raised his head in horror, and responded repeatedly.

"No, no, adults are so open and upright, it is the Qi family who deserve to die. Those who dare to offend the adults deserve what they deserve."

Looking at Mouse San unexpectedly, when he saw the panic in his eyes and a firm expression, Chen Feng immediately understood.

"Okay, since you're like this, I don't treat you as an outsider anymore. Next, I'm going to Qi's house to collect the bill. As for you, follow me if you want. If you don't want to, just leave. I won't stop you."

After saying that, Chen Feng walked forward.

Hearing what he said, Mouse San hesitated for a while, then finally gritted his teeth and quickly followed.

Chen Feng glanced at Shu San, who was silently following behind him, and did not speak.

The two walked for a while, and when they sat below the hill, Chen Feng stopped.

Looking at the hill in front of him, after thinking for a while, Chen Feng said to Shu San.

"You wait for me here for a while, and I'll re-refine that spirit-killing treasure. There may be a lot of movement later. Watch here and don't let anyone come over."

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