Hearing this, Mouse San said with a grim expression.

"Don't worry, sir, even if I lose my life, I won't let anyone disturb you."

His words made Chen Feng laugh.

He took out a pill and threw it to him.

"Eat it, first improve your cultivation base."

Mouse San looked at Chen Feng with some doubts, then lowered his head and looked at the medicine pill.

After taking a closer look, the complexion of the third mouse changed dramatically.

"Big, big, lord, this, this is, but the barrier breaking pill?"

"Well, that's right, it's the barrier-breaking pill. Are you near the door now? This pill will just help you break through to the Venerable Realm."

Hearing this, there was a touch of excitement in the eyes of the three mice, but he was quickly suppressed by himself.

Taking a deep breath, he handed the medicinal pill to Chen Feng.

"Sir, this medicine pill is really too precious. I have the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf from the Lord, which is enough."

"It's so much nonsense, now there's no time for you to slowly cultivate epiphany. When I'm refining the weapon, you have to help me drive people away. If you don't have any strength, how can you help me block it later? people."

Chen Feng waved his hand and said impatiently. After speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the woods at the foot of the hill.

Mouse San took the medicinal pill, looked at Chen Feng's back, and clenched his fists.

After Chen Feng walked into the woods, Shu San swallowed the medicinal pill in one mouthful, and began refining the medicinal pill on the spot.

Due to his own accumulation, he has reached a bottleneck. It only takes time to accumulate, and then he can break into the Venerable Realm. Now the medicine pill just speeds up the process.

It didn't take long, a huge momentum burst out from him.

At the same time, the vision of advancing to the Venerable Realm appeared in the sky.

Chapter 1 Refining Floating Cannons (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At the same time, the vision of advancing to the Venerable Realm appeared in the sky.

However, the vision he caused was much simpler than the vision of Chen Mingxuan being promoted to the Venerable Realm.

Even so, he has reached the Venerable Realm.

Opening his eyes, a light flashed away, and the three mice stood up, looked around at the surrounding environment, and moved quickly.

While moving around the hill, the spirits on both hands kept changing, laying out a series of formations.

After a while of tea time, the three mice returned to the same place again.

Standing there and closing his eyes, the spirit in his hand was still constantly changing.


After a while, Mouse San suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly.

With his shouts, one after another of brilliance lit up from around the hill, forming a continuous formation. In the end, these formations actually formed a large formation, covering the entire hill.

After doing all this, Mouse San stopped, looked at the place where there was no hill and became a lake, smiled with satisfaction, and then sat down on the spot, spreading his consciousness, Observe the surroundings.

Chen Feng, who was observing secretly, saw his hand, and his eyes lit up.

"Okay, this guy, just by this one hand, his origin is definitely not simple."

Seeing that he didn't take the opportunity to run away directly, it seemed that he really wanted to follow him.

After seeing him sit down with his knees crossed, Chen Feng stopped observing him, just found an open space and started to implement his plan.

When he first saw this spirit-killing treasure, the idea of ​​a floating cannon suddenly popped into his head for some unknown reason.

And once the idea came out, it couldn't be accepted.

After releasing the spirit-killing artifact, Chen Feng first looked at it, and then he officially started to use it.

He opened his right hand, and a flame appeared in his palm.

When he controlled the flame and flew under the spirit-killing treasure floating in mid-air, the fire suddenly became bigger, wrapping the entire spirit-killing treasure.

Originally, the material used for this spirit-killing treasure was very difficult to melt.

However, Chen Feng's refining tool has reached the god level, and the temperature of the flame used is naturally very high.

In less than a quarter and 527 minutes, the entire spirit-killing treasure changed into a golden liquid, floating in the flames, rolling continuously.

Chen Feng used the spirit art while recalling the techniques of refining the weapon in his mind and the steps to describe the formation.

With the change of Lingjue, the golden liquid was divided into twelve groups, and then the twelve groups were divided into twenty-four groups.

Slowly, the twenty-four clusters of metallic liquid formed twenty-four cone-shaped objects.

However, these twenty-four conical objects are not curved on the surface.

Each conical object has six sides, and on each side, there are mysterious lines.

These lines were drawn by Chen Feng according to the amplification method given by the system in his mind.

After doing this, Chen Feng began to describe the formation inside.

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