After he finished depicting the formation, nearly an hour had passed.

Looking at these treasures with cold gleams at the tip, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction, then bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The treasure that was stained with Chen Feng's blood and essence instantly burst into a suffocating aura.

With the release of this evil spirit, large dark clouds began to gather in the sky.

"This, this is a robbery?!!!!"

The three mice looked at the black clouds in the sky in horror, and suddenly screamed out. .

Chapter 2: The Ability of Rat Three (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Along with the appearance of the robbery cloud, there is also a beam of light, which is inserted straight into the robbery cloud in the sky.

Suddenly, from the robbery cloud, there was a huge thunderous sound, and the thunder and lightning were like dragons and snakes, constantly swimming in the robbery cloud.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many people.

The Hidden Realm, if it is said to be small, is not small, but if it is said to be big, it is indeed not big, at most it is as big as the three places outside the world combined.

Therefore, as soon as the robbery cloud appeared here, it was discovered. After the beam of light and the roaring thunder appeared, more people noticed the situation here.

"Is it possible that a spiritual tool was born?"

"What? The Spirit Tool was born? I'm going!!!"

"Damn, the spirit tool is mine!!"

"Fuck!! Damn, the spirit tool is mine!!"

A group of people were arguing and fighting directly.

And some people, taking advantage of the chaos, secretly left here and ran directly towards Chen Feng and the others.

There were fewer and fewer people fighting, and in the end there were only two people left, a man and a woman, who were still fighting.

"What's the matter, I tell you, this spiritual tool is definitely mine in the end!!"

"You fart, as far as you go, the spiritual tool belongs to the old lady!!"



"Damn it, let you try my mother's latest move, [-] tons of legs!!"

"Ah!! What the hell!! You bastard!!"

The man who was kicked in the crotch screamed, took a few steps back awkwardly, looked at the woman in front of him with a flushed face, pointed at him and said.

The woman looked at him with a sullen face, and shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"No way, who made you a man~~"


The man clutched his crotch and squatted on the ground in pain.

Just under the woman's foot, he seemed to hear the sound of something shattering.

"Well? Why is there no one?"

Just when the man was about to faint from the pain, he suddenly heard the woman's startled voice.

With all his strength, the man raised his eyelids, glanced at the empty surroundings, then closed his eyes with relief, and passed out directly.

The woman turned her head angrily, spat at the man on the ground, and kicked him again.

"Ah!!! My Spirit Tool!!!"

After speaking, he flew towards Chen Feng and the others.

On Chen Feng's side, a critical moment has been reached.

Twenty-four floating cannons slowly floated up, with their tips pointing upward, facing the robbery cloud above.



The roar exploded again, and twenty-four lightning bolts struck straight at the floating cannon below.

"Fuck! Why is it twenty-four? Shouldn't it be one?"

Seeing these lightning bolts, Chen Feng didn't feel anything, but Shu San, who was outside, screamed in surprise.

And the cultivators who were rushing here from afar were all staring at the thunder calamity in the sky.

Twenty-four thunder tribulations quickly hit the floating cannon, but it had no effect.

After all, although this catastrophe is a bit more, it is only the first catastrophe after all, and its power is limited.

Soon, the first catastrophe was completely absorbed by the floating artillery.

Chapter 2: The Ability of Mouse Three (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Soon, the first catastrophe was completely absorbed by the floating artillery.

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