After absorbing the floating cannon of the catastrophe, the internal structure became more compact.

It didn't take long for the second Heavenly Tribulation to be brewed, and another twenty-four Heavenly Tribulations came down.

At the same time, those cultivators also rushed over. Just when they wanted to rush in, they were stopped by the three mice.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, it's forbidden to pass here!"

After all, the aura of the Venerable Realm exudes without reservation.

"This, this is a monk in the Venerable Realm!!"

"How come there are monks in the Venerable Realm? It seems that there is definitely a secret treasure born here!!"

"Yes, it's not just as simple as a spirit weapon!!!"

"What about the Venerable, there are so many of us, we are afraid that he will not be able to do it alone!!"

After speaking, someone rushed directly to the place where the formation was.


Seeing this, Mouse San snorted coldly, and the person who took the lead immediately collapsed into a cloud of blood.

"Go on!! He is only one person!!!"

When a person dies, they cannot let them dispel the idea of ​​robbing the secret treasure.

Another shout came from the crowd.

Driven by their interests, everyone rushed to the formation.

Mouse San looked at the group of people coldly, and his hands began to form seals.

A chain of chains appeared in the air, a seal very similar to the Tianyan seal, the only difference was that these chains were all red, and the chains had spikes on them.

"." A group of people who don't know how to live or die, dare to disturb the affairs of adults, give me death!!"

Mouse San waved his hand disdainfully, and the red chain followed his movements and danced.

One by one, he was hit by his red chains, and then he was brought up with a piece of flesh and blood, the whole body turned red, and then the flesh on his body began to shrink.

"Ah!! My, my body!! My cultivation!!!"

"No, no!!! I was wrong!!!"

"Let me go!! Forgive me, I was really wrong!!!"

But it was too late, and pieces of people were hit by red chains, and then turned into dry corpses.

When the rest of the people saw this, they all stopped in fear.

"Everyone, don't go any further, if anyone commits a crime, shoot them!!"

Mouse San used a red chain to form an isolation line in front of him, preventing anyone from coming forward.

The Chen Feng inside, since (Li De's), clearly sees everything in the outside world.

After laughing, Chen Feng withdrew his consciousness and continued to look at the floating cannon in the air.

Now the third heavenly robbery has been brewed, and it has begun to descend.

Generally speaking, there are eight kinds of robbery, but special circumstances cannot be ruled out, and there will be a ninth catastrophe.

However, that situation rarely occurs.

Before the third catastrophe, Chen Feng didn't need to pay much attention, but after the third catastrophe, Chen Feng would start to pay close attention to the catastrophe.

Although he is very confident in what he has refined, he must pay attention to every movement of the third catastrophe after the third catastrophe, just in case.


There was another loud noise, and the third heavenly robbery fell down and hit the floating cannon.

Purple lightning, constantly swimming on the surface of the floating gun, looked a bit beautiful. .

Chapter 3 Ashes are not left (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

After the long thunder tribulation finally completely fell, the third path has completely ended.

The third thunder calamity, symbolizing the first stage of the weapon calamity, has passed, and there are still five or even six thunder calamities waiting.

The color of the robbery cloud in the sky suddenly changed, turning into golden, and the lightning in it also turned into golden lightning.

It seems to have sensed the change in the robbery. The floating cannon was constantly moving in the sky, and there was even a floating cannon that escaped Chen Feng's control and flew straight into the air.

"Look!! That should be the spirit weapon that was born!!"

"Wait, the robbery cloud in the sky, this, this is a high-level spiritual tool, not only a high-quality spiritual tool can have a catastrophe!!"

"Look at which spirit tool, it's definitely the best spirit tool!!!"

"Damn, it's hard work!!"

The crowd outside looked at the floating cannons and robbery clouds in the sky, and suddenly boiled again.

Everyone rushed to the place where Chen Feng was without worrying about the strength of the Three Venerables of the Mouse.

At this moment, a few streamers passed by in the distance, and flew towards this side quickly.

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