The swords in their hands were the specialty of Shenyanzong.

He couldn't remember the specific name, but he only knew that this kind of sword was specially designed to deal with formations and the like, and it was very powerful.

Under the constant hacking and slashing of the three, the chess piece that trapped them was finally broken.




After three crisp sounds, the three of them rushed out directly, ignoring the three mice, and flew straight into it.

But what surprised them was that the floating cannon that had been floating in the air pointed its tip at them, as if it had discovered them.

Chapter two hundred and ninety-two is the beginning of the power (1/3 for subscription, please customize) -->> (page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

But what surprised them was that the floating cannon that had been floating in the air pointed its tip at them, as if it had discovered them.

With the movement of the floating cannon, the three of them hurriedly stopped and looked at the top in sweat.

After a while, I found that there was no movement. The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and I didn't know what was going on.

After thinking about it for a while, the person who took the lead made a gesture, and the three walked forward cautiously.

Just when they and Mouse San started, and by the time they ran here, the calamity had already descended six times, and the seventh one had just passed.

When they were about to get close to where Chen Feng was, the eighth Heavenly Tribulation landed again.

Twenty-four lightning bolts rushed towards their goal.

The floating gun floating in the air was the first to come into contact with the catastrophe.

Heavenly Tribulation followed its tip and shot straight at the three people.


Before the robbery was about to fall, the three of them realized that something was wrong.

Because no matter where they go, the secret treasure above the sky always faces them with its tip, which makes them feel uneasy, for fear that an attack will suddenly fall.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Just when I was thinking about it, the catastrophe had already fallen.

The three of them didn't have time to react, and in an instant they were like Feng Quan, not even ashes were left.

After eight thunder tribulations, the light on the floating cannon began to restrain itself. On the surface, it looked simple and unpretentious.

However, if you investigate seriously, you will find that the power contained in it is very great.

"Well? Are there only eight ways?"

Seeing Jieyun slowly dissipating from the sky, Chen Feng scratched his head and became a little puzzled.

However, it was the first time he had seen Qi Jie, and he had only seen Dan Jie before.


Although there is a description of the weapon robbery in the general outline of the refining, but the description is not detailed.

Seeing that the robbery clouds dissipated now, Chen Feng thought that the robbery was over.

Reaching out a hand, the floating cannon that flew solo in the sky obediently flew back, alongside the other twenty-three floating cannons, floating in front of Chen Feng.

Looking at these floating cannons, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction.

With a single finger, Chen Feng pointed to the hill in front of him.

All the floating cannons quickly turned their directions, aimed at the hill, and shot out powerful rays of light.

There is no smoke or dust, no sound, any place that comes into contact with the light will disappear directly into the invisible.

In a short time, the entire hill disappeared in place.

Those people outside, staring at such a hill, disappeared in front of their eyes, and instantly became quiet.

The power of the floating cannon seemed to be deterred by the wind, but there was no sound at the scene.


A person really couldn't help it, swallowed his saliva, which was so obvious in the silent environment.

"Fuck!! Let me out!! I don't want it!!!"

"Help!! I don't want to die!!"

"I don't want it anymore, I really don't want it anymore, just please let me go quickly, please!!"

Seeing such a powerful attack, everyone instantly panicked. .

Chapter 2 Dispelling the Clouds of Tribulation (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Seeing such power, even Mouse San, who was standing beside him, revealed a hint of horror in his eyes.

"Fuck, is this really made by adults? Is he really only sixteen years old?"

His current attention was completely attracted by the hill that disappeared out of thin air, and he ignored the group of people crying beside him.

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