At this moment, a few more streams of light flashed past, skipping the mouse three below, and flew straight into it.

"Who!! Stop!!!"

The three mice were startled, turned around and shouted, and chased in.

As soon as he left, no one was in control of the chess game, and it didn't take long for it to fall apart directly.

When those individuals saw the chess game disbanded, they hurriedly fled around.

They can see it now, this is not a "one-one-three" place where low-level monks like them can get together.

And at this time, the female cultivator who had won the fight had just arrived here.

She didn't know anything about what happened just now. Seeing people running away, she looked at them in confusion.

"Well? What's wrong? What happened?"

"What's the matter? Four or five of Te Niang's sects are fighting over there. Would you like to go and have a look?"

Hearing this, the female cultivator changed her face when she heard the words, turned around and ran in the opposite direction at the fastest speed in her life.

Chen Feng had just finished testing the power of the floating cannon and was about to put it away when he suddenly heard a movement behind him, and as soon as he turned around, a strong wind hit him.

"call out……"

Chen Feng didn't move when he saw one of the twenty-four floating cannons behind him shoot a beam of light on its own, turning what hit Chen Feng into nothingness.

"Well, does it also have the ability to automatically counterattack? It's really good."

Hearing the sound, Chen Feng looked forward.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black and white Taoist robe and holding a horn, walking over with an indifferent face.

There were several people behind him, also wearing black and white clothes, with expressionless faces.

"This king likes this very much, um, these spiritual tools."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, and a huge suction force came, trying to suck the floating cannon.

However, are these floating cannons so easily pulled by him?

A lot of energy began to gather on the tip of each floating cannon, and it didn't take long, following this suction, it rushed towards the middle-aged man directly.

In the middle of the road, these thin rays of light are combined into one, and the speed is doubled.

The middle-aged man naturally felt the power of this attack, and his face changed instantly.

The few people behind him also stepped forward quickly, each with a mirror-like thing in their hands, blocking them.

There was also an extra piece in the middle-aged man's hand. However, unlike the others, the mirror in his hand had strange lines on it.

"Haoguang Mirror!!"

A large amount of spiritual power was input into it, and the lines on the mirror in his hand began to emit a faint blue light.

Those lines began to extend outwards, linking the mirrors on the hands of several other people.

Chen Feng looked at the things in their hands and was a little curious about what they wanted to do.

These things are all done in an instant.

At this time, the light emitted by the floating cannon also reached in front of them.

Seeing this, Mouse San, who came from behind, hurriedly lay on the ground and added a formation to himself by the way.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Only a few soft clicks were heard, and then there was no movement.

Chapter 2 Disperses the Cloud of Tribulation (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Only a few soft clicks were heard, and then there was no movement.

Mouse San quietly raised his head and looked forward, only to find that there was only a pure white light cocoon in front of him, and there was no sign of the few people just now.

After a while, the light cocoon broke open, and the figures of the few people just now appeared in front of Mouse San again.

"Huh? Okay, is it alright?"

Seeing these people appearing again, Chen Feng said in surprise.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the middle-aged man looked pale, but he couldn't help but want to say something proudly.


Before he could speak, the humming sound of the floating gun kept coming.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the direction of the floating cannon.

I saw all the floating cannons, and a layer of red light appeared on the golden objects, which kept vibrating in small amplitudes.

A buzzing sound is a sound made by vibration.

"Pfft, isn't it..."

Chen Feng actually felt a vague sense of consciousness on the floating cannon at the front, and he was also a little angry...  

This floating cannon was the one that first flew solo and flew into the air.

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