Chen Feng looked at the floating cannons he had made with some surprise, and seemed to understand something.

This floating cannon should have been born with an artifact spirit.

A top-quality spirit tool, if there is no tool spirit, it would be a bit too much.

I just attacked, although I didn't use all my strength, but the floating gun was still very unwilling to cause such a result.

You must know that the attack just now was the first battle since its birth, and it was actually blocked by someone, which made it very angry.


The vibration stopped, and all the floating cannons were quickly combined together, becoming the shape of a giant floating cannon.

Energy began to gather at the top, and a huge aura began to shroud all around.

Except for Chen Feng, everyone felt a lot of pressure.

At this moment, a golden robbery cloud suddenly condensed again in the sky, and just as it was condensed, a thick lightning bolt struck the floating cannon below.


Seeing this, Chen Feng was about to step forward to help it strike, but just raised his foot, but stopped.

I saw that the floating gun had turned its direction and aimed at the top of 2.4.

Gold mixed with purple lightning strikes towards the floating cannon.

The energy of the floating cannon has been condensed at this time, and a beam of light with a diameter of about five meters rises into the sky.

The lightning was directly annihilated in the beam of light, and the beam of light broke into the cloud of calamity.

This attack actually directly scattered Jieyun.

After the robbery cloud dissipated, Chen Feng looked above with some doubts.

He seemed to hear a scream just now.

However, because it was too vague, Chen Feng didn't care.

At this time, the floating cannon is a real spiritual weapon of the Nine Tribulations, and if it goes further, it can be transformed into an acquired spiritual treasure.

After getting the robbery cloud, the floating artillery aimed at the few people again. .

Chapter 3 Doubt (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The middle-aged man who took the lead was stunned by the blow of the floating cannon that scattered the robbery cloud.

Leng Leng stood there, not moving.

When he saw the floating cannon aimed at him, he suddenly felt cold all over and woke up.

When he felt the floating artillery begin to gather energy, he hurriedly shouted at Chen Feng.

"Wait, wait!! I, I have something to say!!!"

Chen Feng glanced at him, waved his hand, and the floating cannon stopped gathering energy.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his head, took out a bag, and said quickly.

"Your Excellency, did you refine this secret treasure? I want to buy it, but I don't know if I can?"

Seeing that this person is strong, it seems that there is no effect, so he wants to be soft.

But Chen Feng didn't like his tricks.

The materials for this floating cannon were obtained by myself, and the floating cannon was re-refined by my own skills, so why should I sell it to you?

"Cut, don't sell."

Glancing at him disdainfully, Chen Feng said bluntly.


The man's hand holding the bag froze in midair.

He thought that Chen Feng would think about it to some extent, but he didn't expect 19 Chen Feng to be so direct, and he didn't know how to deal with it now.

"You, don't think about it anymore?"

After pondering for a while, he said to Chen Feng in a deep voice.

Looking at the floating cannon in the sky, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but then it was replaced by a struggling look.

He is now hesitating whether to force it or not.

Although the floating cannon is very powerful, he is not without a hole card.

After weighing it, the consequences of using the hole card, and the floating cannon, which is more important, he winked at a few people next to him.

"Think about it, this thing is something that I have worked so hard to develop. You can give it to you with a word, so I won't waste my time."

Rolling his eyes, Chen Feng said angrily.

"Really, then don't blame me for being offended."

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Chen Feng.

Several other people were also scattered, attacking from different directions.

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