"Cut, is it really easy to be bullied by Lao Tzu?"

Seeing this, Chen Feng snapped his fingers.

The huge floating cannons scattered and surrounded Chen Feng.

The floating cannon whose tip was flickering with cold light suddenly armed Chen Feng into a hedgehog.

However, the thorns of this hedgehog are a bit powerful.

Those few people were a little hesitant when they saw the floating artillery surrounding Chen Feng, and they couldn't help but slow down.

"Give it to me!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and roared.

Don't look at his roar, but he stepped back a few steps.

Those subordinates, hearing the words, had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

With a few soft sounds, the floating cannon fired and kept firing outwards.

The dense energy bombs made those few people have to stop and start dodging instead.

However, such a dense barrage is not something they can dodge if they want to.

After a while, someone was shot, and a hole appeared directly where the shot was.

The middle-aged man hid aside, observing from a distance.

Seeing the man's tragic state, he couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

He quickly retracted his body, hiding in that place and daring not to come out.

However, even if he hides there and does not come out, it is useless.

Chapter 3 Suspicious Clouds (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

However, even if he hides there and does not come out, it is useless.

Because the floating artillery is now an indiscriminate attack, there will always be one or two bursts of energy where he is hiding.

Gradually, no sound came from outside, and he quietly stuck his head out and looked out.

However, seeing this, he almost lost his mind.

Because, his subordinates are all dead.

Therefore, all the floating guns now flew over at this time, facing him directly.


After swallowing hard, an ugly smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

"Big, my lord..."

"Don't, don't call me my lord, I can't stand it."

Chen Feng walked over slowly and waved his hands in disgust.

"Tell me, which side are you from?"

"I, I am, I am the deacon of the Temple of Heavenly Demons. I came out to carry out the mission this time. When I saw that a secret treasure was born here, I wanted to come over and see if I could snatch it..."

The middle-aged man wiped his cold sweat and stammered.

"Tiansha Palace? What is it?"

Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

It has been more than two months since I arrived in the Immortal Realm, and I have gradually discovered the power of this world, which is not what it seems on the surface.

Intricate and complicated.

Take the Tianmo Palace at the beginning for example, since Chen Feng killed the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons City, he thought something would happen.

But after so long, Chen Feng almost forgot about the existence of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

If it wasn't for the presence of this person from the Temple of Heavenly Demons, he would have thought of it.

There is also the blue-robed old man whom he met in Yongsui Mansion some time ago. If it weren't for him, Chen Feng would only know that there are other realms above the Venerable Realm after he has obtained the Hidden Realm.

"Uh, Tiansha Temple, this is not a thing..."

When the middle-aged man heard Chen Feng's words, a cold sweat broke out on his head again, and he said after wiping it.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned, and then quickly changed his words.

"He is a thing in Tiansha Temple... No, he is not a thing..." 963

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard this man's words.

"Okay, I'm not interested in knowing if your Heavenly Demon Palace is something. Now, you can die."

After speaking, Chen Feng ignored him and walked out.


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