When Mouse San saw Chen Feng, he smiled slyly and said.

"Where have you been?"

Rolling his eyes and turning his head to look outside, Chen Feng asked.

"I'll be near Broken Heaven Peak soon. You can go and eat something first. I just checked, and there are a lot of spiritual fruits on your flying boat."

Just as he was speaking, a white shadow flashed past, and Xiaobai appeared on Chen Feng's shoulder.

"Bad! I want to eat spirit fruit!!"

A tender female voice came from Xiao Bai's mouth.

"Eat, eat, eat all day long, don't think I don't know, you are afraid that you have eaten all the spiritual fruits in the secret realm in the past few days, right?"

Chen Feng tapped its head lightly and said angrily.

"Hmph, so what! Who told you to lock them in there and not let them out! Hmph!!"

Xiaobai tilted his head, twisted it again, and said arrogantly.

"Oh, dare you, is it my fault?"

Chen Feng glared at it, looked at it and said.

"It's just you, it's you, just a little bit 870! Bad guy!!"

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue and made a face at him.

On the other hand, Shu San widened his eyes, looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief, and said dumbly.

"This, this is?"

He felt that the shock of his life had probably been used up by Chen Feng's side.

Anything you see, as long as you take it out, can almost cause a war.

"You said it, Xiaobai, the nine-tailed celestial fox."

Hearing Mouse San's voice, Chen Feng touched Xiao Bai's head and said.


Mouse San responded lightly, and then stopped looking at Chen Feng and Xiao Bai.

He found that no matter what happened to Chen Feng, he would not be surprised.

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, Chen Feng didn't care, and made fun of Xiaobai.

Soon, they came to the vicinity of Broken Sky Peak.

"Sir, it's not too far from Broken Sky Peak, and the Qi family's station is right in front. Do we stop here and walk over, or just fly over like this?"

Mouse San slowed down and asked back.

"For the sake of use, just drive over there."

Chen Feng didn't even think about it, (bjaa) said directly.

Just kidding, I'm here to make trouble, why did I go over there, just drop by air.

Hearing the words, Mouse San shrugged and raised the speed of the Tiandi again.

Soon, they came to the foot of the Broken Tianfeng Mountain, above the Qi family station.

"The flying boat above!! You have reached the no-fly zone, hurry up and stop!!"

Before arriving at the Qi family's residence, the disciples of the Qi family discovered the Tiandi number.

When the Tiandi arrived in the sky above the Qi family's station, it was found that this strange flying boat actually flew directly above its own house, and was immediately angry.

The Tiandi slowly stopped and fell down.

Such a big goal naturally attracted the attention of many people. Many children of the Qi family came to the side of the Tiandi with weapons.

"People on the flying boat, get off the boat quickly and clarify your identity!!"

A blue-clothed deacon from the Qi family looked at the Heavenly Emperor coldly and shouted angrily.

After so many years, since the Qi family became the head of the four clans, there has not been that force or organization that dared to despise the Qi family like this.

Hearing his words, Chen Feng took the mouse three and flew off the Tiandi.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my Qi's house!!"

Chapter 1 The Difficulties of Qi Family (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my Qi's house!!"

Deacon in blue looked at Chen Feng and asked loudly.

"Che, it's really an immature family."

Chen Feng pouted, stretched out his hand, and released the floating cannon.

As soon as the floating cannon came out, it immediately returned to its original state, and then quickly attacked the surrounding people.

"You, what are you doing!!!"

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