When the blue-clothed deacon saw this, his face changed drastically.

"What? Can't you see?"

Chen Feng showed a sneer, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"Cut the grass and remove the roots."

"Ah! Enemy attack!!!!"

When the blue-robed deacon heard the words, he immediately shouted out in shock.

With his shouts, one after another signal representing the alarm flew into the air.

All the Qi family members who were doing something, took up their weapons as soon as they saw the signal and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Soon, a large group of people surrounded Chen Feng and Mouse San.

The old man who resurrected Qi Sheng from the Qi family, the former head of the Qi family, also rushed over.

"Well, it looks like everyone is almost there? Let's get started."

The old man just stood still and was about to speak when he suddenly heard Chen Feng say such words, and his old face suddenly fell.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a strange magic weapon floating in the air and began to move quickly.

During the movement, silent energy beams are emitted.

Anyone who was shot was silently turned into nothingness, without any time to react.

Seeing this, the old man was stunned.

Just when he was stunned, a large number of Qi family disciples were hit and disappeared into the invisible.

Between breathing, nearly two hundred people died.

Such a speed of casualties made him a little unacceptable.

However, with the floating cannon in the sky, he had no choice but to look at Chen Feng with his red eyes.

"Bastard!! Dare to kill my Qi family's children!!! You should be damned!!!!"

With a loud roar, the old man charged towards Chen Feng.

Regarding his actions, the floating gun said, do you think I don't exist?

At the same time, four or five floating cannons aimed at him and fired energy bullets.

As early as when the floating cannon was aimed at him, the old man noticed something was wrong and quickly avoided it.

At a critical juncture, he finally avoided the key point, but one hand was still ejected by the energy and disappeared directly, leaving only a wound with a smooth fracture.


The old man covered his hands sweating profusely and looked up at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at the time and found that doing it like this was a bit too slow. He snapped his fingers, and the floating cannon changed its shape.


After a burst of noise, twenty-four floating cannons were combined into one again and flew into the air.

A huge amount of energy began to gather at the front end of the floating cannon.

Feeling the devastating power, the old man's face flashed a hint of despair, then took out a jade slip and crushed it hard.

A stream of light flew out from the jade slip and quickly flew towards the top of Broken Heaven Peak.

"My lord, they notified Shen Yanzong."

Mouse San, who was always watching the old man, saw this scene and came to Chen Feng and said.

"I see."

Chen Feng responded lightly and looked at Broken Tianfeng. .

Chapter 2 Come on who should come (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Who are you, why do you want to kill in my Qi family!! My Qi family doesn't seem to have any grudge against your Excellency, right?"

After sending out the distress signal, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Chen Feng's familiar face, but couldn't remember it, and asked suspiciously.

"You really don't know who I am?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that after he killed Qi Sheng, shouldn't the Qi family know what he looks like~?

However, looking at the old man's appearance, it seems that he still doesn't know?

"You are……"

Qi Ruida looked at Chen Feng, and the more he looked, the more familiar he became. Suddenly, a figure flashed in his mind.

His eyes widened, he looked at Chen Feng in shock and anger, and shouted.

"You are Chen Feng!!! The Chen Feng who killed Sheng'er!!"

"Congratulations, you got it."

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