Chen Feng looked at him and applauded.

"You killed Sheng'er. We didn't even look for you. Instead, you came to my Qi's house first. Why?"

At this time, Qi Ruida didn't know that his grandson was killed again.

And, this time, along with his son, he was also killed.

"Why? Hehe..."

Chen Feng sneered and didn't speak any more, just silently commanding the floating cannon, wanton massacre of the Qi family.

"Stop!! Stop it!!!"

Qi Ruida's eyes were split open, this is the foundation of their Qi family! !

Just like that, Chen Feng was slaughtered piece by piece like he was cutting wheat, which made him almost collapse.

"Chen Feng, Lord Chen, what do you want, we will satisfy you, we just ask you not to kill again!!"

The speed of fire of the floating gun is very fast, and the penetrating power of energy bullets is very strong.

Basically, with one shot, at least three or four people can be killed.

Chen Feng was killing here, and there were still a steady stream of people rushing towards this side.

At this moment, a powerful momentum suddenly came from the Broken Heaven Peak.

Feeling this momentum, Chen Feng frowned.

Because Chen Feng felt that the master of this imposing manner seemed to be at a higher realm than the clan realm.

Before, when refining the floating cannon, the strength of that person seemed to exceed the realm of sectarians.

As for what realm it was, Chen Feng didn't know.

"A real monarch in a mere realm, dare to rely on secret treasures to make trouble here, today, this seat will accept you as a devil!!"

An indifferent and ethereal voice came from Broken Heaven Peak.

Following the voice, another Taoist appeared in Chen Feng's field of vision.

"That's right, there's a lot of nonsense. Besides, I'm the only one in this world who can pretend to be forceful. Who allows you to pretend to be forceful?"

Impatiently digging out his ears, Chen Feng waved directly.

"Little One, shoot down that arrogant guy."

Xiaoyi is the floating cannon that gave birth to the artifact spirit.

Ever since he came out, he has been floating beside Chen Feng, like a guard, never leaving.

Hearing Chen Feng's greeting at this time, he rubbed his body twice, and then the golden light flickered a few times on his body.

Afterwards, all the floating cannons stopped and flew towards Xiao Yi.


With successive soft sounds, the floating cannons were combined again.

"call out!!!"

The thick energy bullet was shot in the direction of the person coming.

The momentum came, and at this moment, seeing the energy bullets fired by the floating cannon, the whole person was suddenly cowardly.

He hurriedly took out his magic weapon, and Ling Jue kept changing in his hands.

Chapter 2 Come to all that should come (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

He hurriedly took out his magic weapon, and Ling Jue kept changing in his hands.

One after another light curtain appeared in front of him, some with streamers flickering, and some with mysterious runes flowing.

Even his most precious Qingliantai was used, and a huge lotus was wrapped around him.


After a short silence, a huge roar sounded from the place where the two touched.

Mouse San worked hard to stabilize his body, so that he was not sent flying by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

However, those disciples of the Qi family with low cultivation levels were not so lucky.

Like dust, it was directly hit by the shock wave and flew around.

If you are lucky, you will suffer a minor injury at most, if you are unlucky, you will have broken arms and legs, and even worse people will fall directly to death.

"Ahhhh!!! Asshole!!!!"

After blocking the blow, the Taoist walked out of the lotus flower, which had lost a few petals.

Looking at Chen Feng with red eyes, it seems that there is an inexorable hatred between the two.

In fact, this was only the first time the two met.

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The floating cannon moved, and when he was about to give him another shot, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to stop it.

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