"Are you from Shen Yanzong? What level?"

Looking at this person, Chen Feng asked casually.

"Humph, this seat is the Great Elder of Shenyanzong, Zhu Yanyu, who are you, how dare you kill innocent people indiscriminately under Broken Heaven Peak!!"

Zhu Yanyu snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and said.

When speaking, his eyes still glanced at the dismantled floating cannon, showing a trace of fear and vigilance.

Feeling the power of the floating cannon, he doesn't dare to act rashly now.

For fear that an accidental attack would lead to another attack from the floating artillery.

You know, he has just used all his last cards, so he just blocked such an attack. If he does it again, I am afraid he will die.


"Me? My name is Chen Feng."

Without caring, he casually reported his name.

"Chen Feng? You are Chen Feng!!!"

As expected, Zhu Yanyu's expression changed immediately after hearing his name.

If he just looked at Chen Feng with disdain, then after hearing Chen Feng's name, it changed completely.

fear, fear, doubt...

A mixed look appeared in his eyes.

After all, Chen Feng's current reputation has spread throughout the entire Hidden Realm.

"It is rumored that this Chen Feng, although his cultivation base is very low on the surface, is actually very powerful in combat. Coupled with this strange spiritual weapon, he is afraid that he will not be able to match. No, he has to call someone!!"

Zhu Yanyu rolled his eyes a few times and thought to himself.

Thinking like this, he waved his hand and threw out a token.

After the token flew into the air, it exploded directly.

A big word appeared on the top of everyone's heads.

"Smart, I know to call for help, but no matter how many people come, the result will be the same."

Looking at Zhu Yanyu indifferently, and sending out the signal for help, Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case..."

Zhu Yanyu looked at Chen Feng coldly, and seeing that he did not stop him, there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Really? Let's wait and see."

Chen Feng shrugged and stood there quietly, waiting for their people to arrive. .

Chapter 3 Gongsun Boyan (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Hey, do you really need to go?"

In the dark, Tieshan saw that Zhu Yanyu had sent out a distress signal, and a hint of anxiety appeared on his face. Just as he was about to go out, he was stopped by Chen Mingxuan.

"No, I want to see how far this kid can do it."

Chen Mingxuan looked at Chen Feng with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"Besides, let's go out, maybe we'll make trouble for this kid."

Hearing Chen Mingxuan's words, Tie Shan couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment.

That's right, Tie Shan, who has practiced for so many years in the Hidden Realm, is only at the level of the third rank of the Earth King Realm.

The person outside, at least also has the first rank of Emperor Realm.

Going up with the two of them is basically adding vegetables. It is better to watch here and see what other means Chen Feng has.

What "Nine-Five-Three" singled out the Qi family's spirit-killing treasure, what is refining a top-quality spirit, what is killing a hundred people...

Wait and so on, when they came over, they also heard a lot.

Originally, they still held a skeptical attitude and did not fully believe it.

But now, looking at Chen Feng's ease, those rumors seem to be true.

"I said, Lao Chen, you can do it, why am I not as lucky as you when you give birth to such a demonic son?"

Looking at the high-spirited Chen Feng in the distance, Tie Shan said enviously.

"Che, who told you not to find a daughter-in-law? At such an old age, there is only one apprentice."

Chen Mingxuan glanced at him and said disdainfully.

"You think I don't want to look for it."

Tieshan said with a wry smile.

"But when I think about finding a daughter-in-law, I will be controlled by someone and I can't drink casually, so I feel uncomfortable, so I just don't look for it."

"Speaking of which, should you quit drinking, you are addicted to alcohol? Otherwise, are you going to be a bachelor for the rest of your life?"

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