Almost in an instant, he reached Broken Heaven Peak.

As the No. [-] sect in the Earth Immortal World, it is naturally impossible to have no defensive measures at all.

Just before Gongsun Boyan went down the mountain, the mountain protection formation had already been started.

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Just before Gongsun Boyan went down the mountain, the mountain protection formation had already been started.

Therefore, when Chen Feng flew here, he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

"Is there a great formation for protecting the mountain?"

With Chen Feng's formation attainments, it is natural to see at a glance the extraordinaryness of this formation.

Ninety-nine small formations are interlocked and linked together to form the periphery of the formation.

There are also nine great formations inside, centered on the nine halls of Broken Sky Peak, forming another large formation, protecting the position above the halfway of Broken Heaven Peak.

"Hmph, don't waste your energy, this Broken Heaven Peak was originally a relic, but after it was cracked by our ancestors, it was reserved as the place where the sect is located."

Gongsun Boyan also rushed over at this time. Seeing that Chen Feng was standing outside the formation and couldn't get in, he couldn't help showing a proud look on his face, and said slowly.

"This formation is the formation left over from the ruins at the beginning. Later, it was thoroughly studied by our ancestors, and it has been used as a great formation to protect the mountains. This formation..."

"Spicy chicken..."

Before Gongsun Boyan finished speaking, he heard Chen Feng's disdainful words.

However, he didn't care. It should be said that he really wanted to see Chen Feng's expression after his defeat.

Because, since the establishment of Shen Yanzong, there has not been that sect that broke the mountain protection formation of Shen Yanzong.

Even the Tianyanzong a hundred years ago was the same. Even if the Tianyanzong was the largest sect at that time, it was only for comprehensive strength.

If Tianyanzong had such a resident back then, I am afraid that the era of sect extinction a hundred years ago would not have happened.

Just as he was waiting to see Chen Feng's joke, he suddenly heard a crisp cracking sound.

Gongsun Boyan's proud expression immediately froze on his face.

Slowly turning his head and looking at Chen Feng, he saw a scene that shocked him.

I saw Chen Feng put his hand on the big formation, and a thin crack was spreading from under his palm to the surrounding.

"I'm sorry, it seems to have broken your great formation."

Chen Feng turned to look at him, hehe said with a smile.

When he spoke, his subordinates exerted force, and the cracks spread faster.

"Stop! Stop!!!" 253

Gongsun Boyan showed anger, and while attacking Chen Feng, he shouted loudly.

This formation method, almost no one returned to practice.

That is to say, once the formation is broken, after Shen Yanzong, there will no longer be a great formation to protect the mountain.

Thinking of the consequences if there was no mountain protection formation, Gongsun Boyan couldn't help but think of the scene of Tianyanzong being besieged a hundred years ago, and he was even more frightened.

If Chen Feng knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him.

You think too much.

Because, when Chen Feng came this time, what he wanted to do was to destroy the Qi family.

Shen Yanzong dared to intervene, and they were destroyed together.

As soon as Gongsun Boyan left, the floating cannons around Chen Feng immediately surrounded him.

"Don't move, or I can't guarantee that there will be dozens of holes in your body."

Chen Feng turned his head and stopped looking at him.

He raised his hand, made a fist with one hand, and hit the barrier with one punch.

In Gongsun Boyan's desperate eyes, the barrier shattered.

The outer formation, even if it was completely destroyed by Chen Feng.

The nine large formations inside were arranged after they were completed and changed according to the remnant formations they obtained.

Once the formation outside was broken, the nine large formations inside were basically no more difficult for Chen Feng. .

Chapter [-] Self-inflicted sins can't live (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

"Do not!!!"

Gongsun Boyan watched in despair as Chen Feng broke the great formation, and let out a wailing.

As the great formation broke open, a bell rang in the Shenyan Sect.

This is the unique alarm method of Shenyanzong. The bell will ring nine times, which means that Shenyanzong has reached the point of immortality.

All the disciples of Shenyanzong gathered together under the leadership of the elders and deacons.

"Chen Feng, stay on the line and see you in the future!! Do you have to do something like this?"

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