Gongsun Boyan looked at Chen Feng and said through gritted teeth.

At this time, his eyes were full of anger and his face was flushed, but his emotions calmed down.

Think of him, Shen Yanzong, after destroying Tianyanzong a hundred years ago, he has always been a unique role in the hidden world.

Now that he met someone like Chen Feng, he was beaten directly and lost his temper.

"Oh? I just did it, what can you do?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Gongsun Boyan who had calmed down abnormally.

"Hmph, do you think that my Shen Yanzong has been inherited for so long, and I have no trump cards?"

Gongsun Boyan snorted coldly, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

"Oh? Then I'll have to see and see."

Chen Feng showed a hint of interest and said.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't care at all about the trump card Gongsun Boyan said.

No matter how arrogant you are, your body of a demon is not a display.

Invincible existence, immune to all attacks.

Not counting the body of a demon god, elementalization can basically make him invincible.

"Humph! I hope you won't regret it later, but even if you regret it, it's too late!!"

Gongsun Boyan snorted coldly, beat his chest, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The blood essence floated in the air, condensed together, and did not fall.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of Gongsun Boyan's mouth, and his hands began to pinch Lingjue slowly.

As the Spirit Jue in his hand kept changing, Broken Heaven Peak began to vibrate continuously, and even Mouse San, who was stationed in the Qi family in the distance, felt the vibration.

"What's the situation, is it going to change."?"

The three mice stared blankly at the direction of Broken Sky Peak. Above that place, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Is there lightning surging from the dark clouds, as if something was brewing.

"Anyone going to robbery?"

Chen Feng looked at the dark clouds in the sky, then turned to look elsewhere.

Only this part of the sky has cloudy clouds, and there are no other places.

This must be the change caused by Gongsun Boyan's next trump card.

I saw that the hall at the highest point of Broken Heaven Peak suddenly lit up with a bloody light, and the whole hall collapsed.

And all the disciples of Shenyanzong who were shrouded in blood, all screamed and fell to the ground. The whole person suddenly became like a mummified corpse. .

After absorbing the flesh and blood of hundreds of people, the crack on the ground expanded again, and a blood shadow shot up into the sky. After wandering back and forth in the sky for a few laps, it floated to Gongsun Boyan's side and stopped.

After the thing stopped, Chen Feng could see clearly what it was.

I saw a sword floating there quietly in the bloody light.

The place where the hilt and the body of the sword are combined is in the shape of a skull.

Chapter 1 Self-inflicted sin can't live (plus two, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The place where the hilt and the body of the sword are combined is in the shape of a skull.

"Ho ho ho..."

It seems that he was affected by this sword, and Gongsun Boyan's eyes were also stained with a strange red.

"If you can ask me to bring out this magic sword, you can rest in peace when you die."

The red blood light reflected on Gongsun Boyan's face, coupled with his smile, there was an indescribable strange feeling.

"Hmph, don't you think it's a bit ironic that you claim to be famous and decent, but hide such a magic sword?"

Chen Feng smiled mockingly and said.

"Hohohoho, if you didn't exist, this magic sword might not be born for thousands of years, and you can only blame it!!"

Since this sword came to Gongsun Boyan's side, his whole temperament began to change.

It got a little weird.

Gongsun Boyan smiled wickedly and held the hilt of his sword.

Just as he was about to slash at Chen Feng with his sword, a sudden change occurred.

Gongsun Boyan suddenly felt that he could no longer control the sword.

And, when he wanted to move his hand away, he found that no matter what he did, he couldn't let go.

"What, what's going on!!"

Gongsun Boyan looked at the magic sword in horror, the calmness and calmness on his face just now disappeared into the invisible.

At this moment, a hoarse voice came from the skeleton on the magic sword.

"."Boy, you are very good and qualified to use me."

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