At the moment when the magic sword was crushed, a ray of blood carried a large amount of black energy and flew out of the magic sword.

"Hahaha!!! I didn't expect it!! The deity is actually fine!!!"

In the black air, blood was surging, and the voice of Demon Venerable came out again.

Chen Feng frowned. He found that breaking the Demon Sword seemed to have no effect on this Demon Venerable, so where was he just groaning.

"Boy, this deity has to thank you."

The blood light in the black air, the voice of the follower Demon Venerable kept beating, and it seemed that at any time it was possible to rush out of the black air and pounce on Chen Feng.

"Without the shackles of the magic sword, the strength of the deity seems to be stronger."

"Hey, didn't I kill you? It's going to take more trouble."

Chapter 1 The end of the blood baryon (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hey, didn't I kill you? It's going to take more trouble."

Chen Feng pouted and said helplessly.

"Hmph, do you think that when the deity comes out, will you still have a chance?"

With that said, the black energy spread out and surrounded Chen Feng.

"As long as you take away your body, the deity will be unmatched!!"

While Chen Feng looked around vigilantly, he exuded his domineering knowledge and knowledge to check his specific location.

Because this is the first time Chen Feng has encountered such a situation. He has never encountered such a thing before, and he does not know whether he can handle it or not.

"Boy, be obedient and be one with the deity!! Chatter chatter..."

The hoarse and sharp laughter came erratically in the surrounding black air.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt a strange feeling behind him, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

As soon as (bjfj) left his original position, a red awn flashed past him.

If he missed a hit, the Demon Venerable was once again hidden in the black qi.

Suddenly, Chen Feng lost the trace of Demon Venerable.

But this is only temporary, because Chen Feng had already marked him in the moment just now.

Instead of using the usual method of Earth Immortal Realm to mark with divine sense, he marked him with a sense of domineering arrogance.

Now, the trace of Demon Venerable can be seen in Chen Feng's eyes.

There were all kinds of strange sounds coming from the black air, trying to disturb Chen Feng's attention.

After a while, he saw that the interference seemed to be effective, An endured the ecstasy in his heart, and quietly approached Chen Feng from behind again.

And Chen Feng, as if he really didn't find him, still closed his eyes and probed the surroundings with his divine sense.

"Hey, boy, the road is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall! I will accept your body rudely!!"

He secretly murmured something in his heart, and rushed straight from behind Chen Feng into his body.

"Hahaha!!! In the future, this deity will be unmatched, and the world will tremble under the name of the deity's blood heavy son!!"

After entering Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, Demon Venerable also revealed his image.

A blood-red person, wearing armor, holding a sword in his hand, laughed wildly up to the sky.

"Tsk tsk, when you reach my sea of ​​consciousness, then you can't make the decision."

Just when he thought he had succeeded, Chen Feng's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Hearing the words, Xue Zhongzi turned around, looked at the human form formed by Chen Feng's consciousness with complete care, and said.

"Hehe, boy, this deity is so powerful that you can't imagine it. I advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible and hand over your body obediently."

He is not worried at all at this time, Chen Feng can drive him out of the sea of ​​consciousness, or destroy his soul.

But what he didn't expect was that when Chen Feng heard his words, he pouted and said helplessly.

"MMP, can't you change your lines, every villain for wool yarn says so."

"Well? What are you..."

Xue Zhongzi was stunned for a moment, and asked inexplicably.

Just halfway through his words, a golden light fell from the sky above the sea of ​​consciousness, covering him.

"Okay, after talking so much nonsense, it's time for you to hit the road."

At first, when the golden light enveloped the blood heavy son, he didn't care much.

But after a while, he discovered that his soul was slowly being swallowed up by the golden beam of light. .

Chapter 2 Divine Consciousness Transformation (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

In the golden light, the soul of the blood baron is slowly disintegrating.

"What, what's going on!!!"

Looking at his hands, starting from the fingertips, it gradually turned into a particle, and then it was filtered by the golden light and turned into pure energy.

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