Xue Zhongzi's face was full of horror.

Those filtered pure energies are being absorbed by a light group that suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

"No no, no, let me go!! I was wrong!! I was really wrong!! Let me go!!!"

Seeing this, Xue Zhongzi knelt directly to the ground and shouted incoherently.

"Sir, let me go!! Let me go, let me do anything, really, I am willing to make an oath of inner demon!!"

Chen Feng ignored him, just watched in amazement the changes in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"System, what's going on?"

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Feng decided to ask the system. After all, only the system can explain things like this clearly.

[Ding, this is the hidden defense mechanism of the body of the devil. 】

[Once the host encounters an attack from the soul or consciousness, it will be activated, dissolve the attack, filter it, and integrate it into the host's body to enhance the host's strength. 】

Hearing the system's explanation, Chen Feng couldn't help but be taken aback.

He originally thought that this was done by the system, but he didn't expect it to be his own demon body, with its own hidden function, which surprised him.

However, in this case, Chen Feng doesn't have to worry about the attack at the level of consciousness and soul.

Originally, Chen Feng ignored this because he had never encountered such a thing.

In the past, Chen Feng only knew that his body was very strong, but he had never noticed or paid attention to how powerful his spiritual consciousness was.

He only knows his own consciousness, which can cover a wide area.

Now it seems that even if his consciousness and soul are relatively weak, there is nothing to worry about.

What's more, Chen Feng's consciousness is not weak at all, but he hadn't discovered it before.

The soul of the blood heavy son is getting weaker and weaker. After a while, only the upper body is left, which is still struggling to support it.

"Let go, let me go..."

The blood baryon felt that his soul was extremely weak and on the verge of collapse.

"hold head high!!!"

At this moment, a deep dragon roar rang out in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

There was joy in that voice.

I saw the light group above the golden sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly a crack appeared. Slowly, the crack became bigger and bigger, and finally the entire light group broke open.

A five-clawed golden dragon emerged from its shell and kept swimming above the sea of ​​consciousness.

"This, this is the metamorphosis of Yuanshen!!"

Xue Zhongzi's eyes widened as he looked at the golden dragon. Every time it swam, it increased by one point.

It didn't take long for it to become a giant.

The golden dragon scales, long beards, and dragon claws shining with cold light all show the strength of this golden dragon.

"hold head high!!!!"

The golden dragon stopped, looked at the huge dragon's eyes, and looked at the blood heavy son with only the upper part of the chest left, shouted again, and rushed towards it.

"Do not!!!"

Xue Zhongzi wanted to escape, but at this time, he was trapped in the golden beam of light, unable to move, let alone escape.

Watching the golden dragon getting closer and closer to him, and the dragon's mouth open, he let out the last cry of despair in his life.

Chapter 2 Divine Consciousness Transformation (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Watching the golden dragon getting closer and closer to him, and the dragon's mouth open, he let out the last cry of despair in his life.

After Jinlong swallowed the blood heavy son in one mouthful, he hiccupped.

Afterwards, the five-clawed golden dragon slowly wandered into the air, floating there, spitting out a white mist from its mouth, and slowly wrapping itself up.

Upon seeing this, Chen Feng withdrew from the internal vision and no longer cared about its development.

Looking at the situation now, after swallowing the blood heavy son, his consciousness should have been improved again.

To what extent it can be improved, Chen Feng does not know, nor does he understand.

After all, there are some things in this world that he doesn't know yet, so he can only understand it after the so-called spiritual transformation is over.

Aside from these things, Chen Feng looked at Shen Yanzong below him.

At this time, in the Shenyan Sect, there was mourning.

Because just before Chen Feng entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he gave the floating cannon an order to kill, so now twenty-three floating cannons are firing on the bottom.

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But all the people of Shenyanzong were killed.

As for the Qi family at the foot of the mountain, Chen Feng has already left them behind.

The Qi family has reached this stage of the field, and even if he no longer takes action, it will not exist for long.

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