However, as before, there are no advanced spiritual plants.

This made Chen Feng even more strange.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Feng suddenly woke up.

Those high-level things must be kept in more secret places.

After all, according to Chen Feng's observation just now, this place is more like a place for daily storage, not a secret room dedicated to storing sect resources.

After he figured this out, Chen Feng waved his hand directly, and a wild wave swept through the secret room. He rolled up the rings on the shelf and took them into his pocket.

Once again, he sent out his divine consciousness and searched the entire Broken Heaven Peak.

I just found a few secret rooms, and only this secret room has something in it, and the other secret rooms are empty.

Therefore, Chen Feng is now going to pull out the secret room where the valuable resources of the sect are stored.

Chapter 3 These people really know how to play (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Therefore, Chen Feng is now going to pull out the secret room where the valuable resources of the sect are stored.

After sweeping the entire Broken Sky Peak over and over again, finally, inadvertently, Chen Feng discovered a trace of anomaly at the top of Broken Sky Peak.

Below a cliff on the top of Broken Sky Peak, a very obscure energy fluctuation would come out from time to time.

"You are the one!!"

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, his figure flashed, and he came directly to this place.

Looking at the formation below the cliff extending above his head, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and covered the formation.

"System, analyze this formation."

[Ding, parsing... parsing completed...]

[This formation is a miniature teleportation formation, the destination is [-] meters deep beneath Broken Heaven Peak. 】

Hearing the system's words, Chen Feng stared at the formation in a stunned manner, and then looked down.

Broken Sky Peak has a total height of more than [-] meters and a depth of [-] meters underground.

"MDZZ, these idiots are doing such complicated things."

Thinking that he would have to drill down to a depth of [-] meters from a height of [-] meters later, Chen Feng couldn't help but complain with a dark face...  

This Nima is going back and forth, and it's more than [-] meters. Isn't it tired?

I think so, but you still have to do what you need to do, otherwise you don't want to put so many good things, unless you are stupid.

After watching for a while, Chen Feng researched the activation method of this teleportation array.

Probe your own consciousness into it, and activate several points in the array according to a sequence inside.

After he did all this, the formation formed a gate of light above the cliff.

"What am I..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was completely speechless.

Sighing that these people really know how to play, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, flew to the top of the cliff, and stepped into the door of light.

After a slight dizziness, Chen Feng came to a dark environment.

With a snap of his fingers, a light group appeared in his hand, and he threw it upwards. Suddenly, the entire secret room was illuminated like the outside world, and it was extremely bright.

This secret room is not very big. There are tables around the wall, and there is a box on each table.

In the middle of the secret room, there are ten pillars about the same height as a person, and on the pillars there are things wrapped in dense runes.

Without looking at the things on the pillars, Chen Feng first opened the box closest to him, and there was a ring in it.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Feng threw the box away, took the 1.1 ring to the other side of the room, picked up a box and opened it, it was still a ring.

It seems that this is the place where the precious resources of Shenyanzong are stored.

Divine Consciousness penetrated into two rings at the same time. In the first ring, there is a high-level spiritual stone, and in the other ring, a high-level spiritual plant is placed.

"Good, good..."

After getting the result he wanted, Chen Feng nodded with a smile and didn't go to inquire one by one.

With a movement in his heart, a spiritual force swept out, opening all the boxes, and the rings inside floated up one after another, and with a wave of his hand, all these storage rings were put away.

The rings that he just put away were separated by him, so he doesn't have to worry about looking for them one by one when he looks for them in the future. .

The [-]th chapter was looted (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

Shen Yanzong's heritage is not unremarkable.

After collecting the two secret rooms, Chen Feng dared to pat his chest and said that he was the richest person in the entire immortal world.

With hundreds of millions of low-level spirit stones, tens of millions of middle-level spirit stones, plus the high-level spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones he just collected, Chen Feng dared to say that he was definitely the richest, no one.

Satisfied clapping his hands, Chen Feng turned to look at those pillars, those things that were sealed.

"System, check it out, what are these things."


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