【Scanning is complete...】

[Sword of Slaughtering God (pseudo), system evaluation: 1 point, this is a piece of garbage and has no effect. 】

[Langinus spear fragment, system evaluation: 10 points, unfortunately it is only a fragment, and it is not very useful. 】

[Binding Immortal Cable, System Evaluation: 5 points, low-grade Immortal Artifact. 】

[Shuanghua scissors (pseudo), systematic evaluation: 1 point,...]

[Wannian stalactites, systematic evaluation: 3 points, ... ]


Chen Feng only heard the first few. When he heard the fairy artifact, he ignored the latter.

Following the system's prompt, Chen Feng found the 19 pillar that sealed the bundle of immortal cables.

"Break these seals!"

[Cracking the seal...]

[Cracked successfully...]

With the voice of the system, the seal of the bundle of immortals, including several other seals, were also cracked.

As the sealed runes gradually disappeared, Chen Feng also saw the appearance of these things.

A rope, a gun head, a bottle, a sword...

But apart from the bundle of immortals, the fragments of Longinus, and the [-]-year-old stalactites, other things were useless to Chen Feng.

Reaching out his hand to put these three things away, Chen Feng turned around and left.

Other things are waste, and even the system is too lazy to evaluate them, and no points are given, so Chen Feng is too lazy to get them.

With these three things, Chen Feng passed the teleportation array, left the ground, and returned to the ground.

Of course, before he left, he threw a lump of magma and left it in the secret room, destroying the secret room.

After returning to the top of Broken Sky Peak, Chen Feng flew straight down towards the Qi family station.

The people of Shen Yanzong were all killed by the floating cannon during the time when Chen Feng went to the secret room.

Back at the Qi family station, Mouse San was bored guarding the rest of the Qi family. When he saw Chen Feng coming back, he hurried up to meet him.

"Sir, you are back."

"Well, what's the matter, these people didn't come up with anything wrong, did they?"

Chen Feng looked at those people and asked Shusan.

"No, my lord, they have completely lost the will to resist now..."

The mouse bowed his hands three times and lowered his head.

"Well, okay, wait a minute, didn't Gongsun Boyan just say that he has informed their sects and families, wait a minute, it will be solved in one go."

Chen Feng waved his hand, got out a sofa, and lay down directly on it.

"Damn, I'm so tired. After playing for so long, I'm dying of exhaustion."

At this time, Liu Xia'er and her daughters, who had been controlling the Tiandi number, also got off the Tiandi number.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Xiao Bai, who originally wanted to jump on Chen Feng, stopped abruptly when he heard what he said, and gave him a contemptuous look.

"Why are you tired? You haven't even been here for two hours. Are you still tired?"

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"Why are you tired? You haven't even been here for two hours. Are you still tired?"

"Che, what do you know, you fox, go away."

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng waved his hand directly at it and said such words with disdain.

This time, Xiaobai was so angry that he jumped vertically, from Liu Xia'er's shoulder, to Chen Feng, and landed straight on his face.

However, when he was about to fall, he was caught by Chen Feng.

"Sample, do you want to rebel?"

With a force, Chen Feng sat up from the sofa, held Xiaobai in his arms, and rubbed his head vigorously.

"Bastard!! Let go of this lady!!! You hurt me!!!"

Xiaobai was held down, and he exhausted all his strength, but he couldn't break free.

In this situation, unless it changes back to its true form, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

"Humph, it's impossible to let go! Who made you so arrogant, I can't cure you and me."

Chen Feng smiled proudly and kneaded even more vigorously.

"You, you bastard!!!"

Xiaobai became even more angry when he heard Chen Feng's words.

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