Then Bonnie picked up the grapes and started feeding him.

Just when Chen Feng was having a good time, a loud whistling sound suddenly came from a distance, attracting his attention.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw that in the distance in the distance, there were nearly a hundred flying boats, rushing towards this side.

"Sir, that should be the flying boats of those small forces and small sects, you see, do you want to..."..."

Mouse San also discovered those flying boats, his eyes suddenly turned cold, he came to Chen Feng's side, and said.

Chen Feng shook his head slightly, then snapped his fingers.

I saw the floating cannon that had just stopped beside him, and with a swish, it flew out directly.

"Well, Uncle Shi, what do you think that is?"

On a relatively forward flying boat, a disciple who was on an observation mission suddenly discovered that there was something in the distance that was flying towards this side quickly.

He didn't dare to judge privately, so he quickly called his elders and pointed to the other side and shouted.

However, he had just called his uncle over, and the thing had already flown above the flying boat, with a flickering tip, facing the flying boat.

This is the floating cannon. At this time, twenty-four floating cannons are floating above all the flying boats.

Twenty-four floating cannons covered the entire airship fleet within the attack range.

"This thing..."

Uncle Shi looked at the floating cannon in the sky, and suddenly a sense of crisis arose for no reason.

The next scene also confirmed that his hunch was correct.

"call out!!"

"call out!!"

"call out!!"

Chapter 1 The lumbar disc does not stand out from you (plus two, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"call out!!"


With the sound of one after another, the floating artillery began to attack.

A series of energy bullets hit the flying boat, directly piercing the flying boat out of holes one by one.

Moreover, because the floating gun has a very fast rate of fire, it can be said that one or two hundred attacks can be fired almost in the breath.

Under such an intensive attack, a flying boat became tattered in an instant.

The people above were killed by this indiscriminate attack.

"There is an enemy attack!!!"

"There is an enemy attack!!!!"

"Attention, there is an enemy attack, everyone is aiming at the things in the sky and attacking!!"

One after another flying boats fell, but within a minute, more than [-] of the more than [-] flying boats were gone.

This result surprised everyone.

"What the hell is this, why is it so powerful?"

"Who knows!! Hurry up! It'll be our turn soon!!"

"oh oh……"

Everyone, after the initial panic, under the command of the commanders of each ship, began to counterattack.

In an instant, spells flew in the sky, and all kinds of magic weapons were used.

However, the flexibility of the floating gun is actually what they can hit.

While dodging left and right, no one was able to hit the floating cannon.

However, in the process, several more flying boats were shot down.

The people above, who were not hit, either floated in the air, or flew above other flying boats, attacking the floating guns.

Just like that, after a while, not a single flying boat was left in the sky.

And there are nearly [-] mighty people, and there are only a dozen people with relatively high cultivation base left, who are dodging the attack of the floating artillery in embarrassment.

For this kind of thing that can't be hit and can't be caught, it really makes them helpless.

In the end, more than a dozen people flew towards Qi's house quickly.

The floating artillery stopped attacking at this time, just like a cat catching a mouse, and followed leisurely.

To see who is flying slowly, shoot a cannon on purpose and hit him next to him.

In this way, more than a dozen people rushed to the Qi family station as if they were being driven sheep.

After arriving here, all the floating cannons accelerated sharply and formed a circle, surrounding everyone.

After controlling the remaining dozen or so people, Xiao Yi flew to Chen Feng's side and rubbed against him.

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