"." Tsk tsk, you are quite good at playing, and your waist plate is not as prominent as you."

(by Li Zhao)

Chen Feng saw it from the beginning to the end. When he saw the little one who was born, he was so spiritual, so he praised it a few times.

Xiao Yi, who received the compliment, seemed very excited. He circled the sky a few times and returned to Chen Feng's side again.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

Touching Xiaoyi, Chen Feng turned to look at the dozen or so people.

"Who are you! Do you know who we are!! How dare you treat us like this!!"

A person who seemed to be the leader saw that the thing that attacked them was next to Chen Feng, and knew that it was Chen Feng's instruction, raised his finger and pointed at Chen Feng and shouted sharply.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he didn't speak after sending him two words.


When the man saw Chen Feng's attitude, he was immediately a little angry. Just as he was about to say something, a light hit his arm.


Chapter 1 The contradictory Chen Mingxuan (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Chen Feng looked at the man who was rolling on the ground with cold eyes, and winked at the three mice.

Mouse three nodded and walked over.

"You, what are you doing!!"

When his companion saw Shu San walking into the encirclement of the floating cannon, he looked at him in horror.

Mouse San ignored him, walked straight to the man who had stopped moaning on the ground, and looked at him indifferently.

When he stretched out his hand, a sword appeared in his hand.

The man on the ground was sweating coldly, covering his severed arm with the other hand, sitting up with a pale face, and suppressed the cry.

Seeing that he was no longer barking, Chen Feng motioned for Shusan to come back.

"Tsk tsk, why didn't you call?"

Seeing that he was no longer barking, Mouse San shook his head regretfully and said.

The man looked at Mouse San with a cold sweat, and his mouth closed even tighter.

"Okay, you now, inform your forces or sects, and let them come to redeem people."

Chen Feng lay on the sofa and said lazily.

"Just give you one hour, if you can't make it, let them prepare a coffin for you."

After speaking, Chen Feng closed his eyes and prepared to rest for a while.

But after a while, he opened his eyes again and called Mouse San over.

"Go and sweep the Qi family for 180 laps. Anyway, how much you get half of it depends on how good you are."

With Chen Feng's words, Shu San's eyes suddenly lit up.

As the head of the four clans, the Qi family is not as deep as the four sects, but at least compared with the eight sects, it is still ok.

Besides, even if the Qi family took advantage of the situation to rise a hundred years ago, who knows how much money they have amassed in these hundred years.

Therefore, after hearing Chen Feng's words, Mouse San immediately acted.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the Qi family's residence.

Seeing that the three mice started to act, Chen Feng no longer worried.

On the other side, Chen Mingxuan and Tie Shan didn't show their faces from beginning to end, they were just on the side, stunned watching everything that happened.

"That, Ming Xuan, I think so, let's go."

Tie Shan looked at Broken Sky Peak, which was smoking in the distance, and said in a daze.

"Well, I think so too."

At this moment, Chen Mingxuan always felt that his three views had been completely broken by Chen Feng.

Who have you seen, who can reach the cultivation level of the True Monarch Realm at the age of sixteen?

Who else can refine eight-grade medicinal herbs at the age of sixteen?Refining a top-quality spiritual weapon like a floating cannon?

Throughout the history of the Immortal Realm, it is not impossible that there are people who can leapfrog battles.

However, I've never heard of someone who can fight in the real monarch realm, even in the clan realm, the earth king realm, or even the emperor realm.

Just now, his sixteen-year-old son destroyed the Qi family, the head of the four clans in the hidden world, and the Shenyanzong, the largest sect.

This motherfucker is a monster, right? I have given birth to a monster! !

"Tieshan, did you see something just now?"

Chen Mingxuan had a gloomy face, turned his head to look at Tieshan and asked.

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