"Look what? Did something happen just now?"

And Tieshan looked at him blankly and asked.

"Huh? Why are we here?"

Seeing him say this, Chen Mingxuan smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

"As expected of my good buddies, we were brought here just now, let's go, let's go back."

"Well, let's go."

Hearing the words, Tieshan couldn't wait to leave here first, flying towards the direction he came from.

Chapter 1 Contradictory Chen Mingxuan (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Hearing the words, Tieshan couldn't wait to leave here first, flying towards the direction he came from.

Chen Mingxuan stood in the same place, staring at Chen Feng in the distance, with a thousand thoughts in his heart.

It's only been so long, Chen Feng has grown to a level that even he can't catch up to. This makes him a father, both proud and a little disappointed.

After a while with emotion, Chen Mingxuan turned around and chased after Tieshan.

After the two of them left, Chen Feng sat up and stared at the direction in which they left for a while.

In fact, when he first arrived near the Qi family's residence, Chen Feng had already discovered the existence of the two, but Chen Feng recognized it, and one of them was Chen Mingxuan, so he didn't find them out.

Otherwise, if there was only Tie Shan alone, it would have been exposed long ago.

After feeling that they were out of the range of his own consciousness, Chen Feng lay down again.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Xia'er also noticed Chen Feng's movements and asked in confusion.

"It's okay, I suddenly felt that there was someone over there, so I checked it out."

Chen Feng waved his hand, indicating that she was fine.

"How? Is there really anyone?"

Hearing his words, Liu Xia'er and Nami suddenly became vigilant.

They took out their weapons, assumed Fang Yu's pose, and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

And Bonnie also stood up directly, she was fine when she stood up, but Chen Feng suddenly lost what he was resting on, and suddenly turned into lying flat on the bed.

Their actions made Chen Feng dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, nobody, nobody!"

Hearing this, the girls breathed a sigh of relief and put away their weapons.

"No one is talking about you blindly, it's scary!"

Nami patted the pair of peaks in front of her and cursed at Chen Feng.

"Cut, it's also your own timidity to blame."

Chen Feng glanced at her and sneered.

"You!! Humph!!"

When Nami heard Chen Feng's words, she was suddenly speechless again.

Angrily glared at Chen Feng, gnashing his teeth, as if he wanted to bite a piece of meat off it.

Suddenly, as if he saw something, his eyes lit up, and then he walked over quickly.

"What do you want?"

Chen Feng looked at Nami who came over vigilantly to prevent her from attacking him.


Na Mei gave him a white look, took away the unfinished Lingti, and ate it by herself.


Chen Feng froze in place, looking at Nami who was eating Lingti, a little dumbfounded.

He thought Nami was going to do something, like pinching him, biting him or something.

But I didn't expect that it was just to grab the fruit.

This surprised him a little.

Looking at Nami in disbelief, Chen Feng took out a few spiritual fruits again, got another table, and placed the spiritual fruits on the table.

"Just tell me if you want to eat it. It's not that you won't be allowed to eat it. I'll give it to you."

Nami looked at the Lingguo on the table, snorted softly, then ran over with a smile and kissed him on the face.

And Xiaobai closed his eyes and rested in Liu Xia'er's arms, the moment Chen Feng took out the spirit fruit, his whole body suddenly became energized.

With a flash of white shadow, she jumped directly from Liu Xia'er's arms to the table, buried her head and started to eat. .

Chapter 2 Attitudes of all parties (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

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