Besides, those few people were told by Chen Feng that they could still have a chance to survive by notifying someone to pay the ransom. They were overjoyed and started to contact them impatiently.

No matter how much you spend, no matter how much you pay, you can't just give your life here.

I saw them one by one, using various methods to contact their own forces, sects or clans, and to send people to redeem themselves.

These people are still quite weighty, they are either elders or guardians, and even the head of a small sect.

After learning that the large army that responded to Shen Yanzong's call was destroyed, and that his elder protector or head was captured by the enemy, he hurriedly brought all valuables with him.

At the Tianshimen Gate closest to Broken Heaven Peak, a paper crane folded from a talisman was flying towards Fuhu Hall.

As soon as he entered the gate of Fuhu Hall, a Taoist in the hall wearing a blue Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand and closing his eyes for meditation, suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of divine light flashed past.

This Taoist is the head of Tianshimen, Xuan Feizi.

As soon as he reached out his hand, Zhihe slowly fell down.

Xuan Feizi pinched out the Spirit Jue with one hand, and a flash of aura appeared on his fingertips, and then pointed at Zhi He, and an image was released from Zhi He's head.

It was a middle-aged Taoist priest with blood on his face, disordered breath, and very embarrassed. If you look closely, the clothes of the two are basically the same.

The only difference is that behind Xuan Feizi's clothes, there is a large pattern of yin and yang fish.

I saw that middle-aged Taoist priest, and the moment he saw Xuan Feizi, he exclaimed.

"Senior brother!! Come and save me!!"

Xuan Feizi originally had a leisurely atmosphere, but the moment he saw the middle-aged Taoist priest, he became confused.

"Junior Brother? Junior Brother, how are you..."

Looking at the embarrassed image of the middle-aged man in the picture, Xuan Feizi asked with some doubts.

"Senior brother, the enemy, the enemy is really too powerful. Nearly a thousand people who came here were all wiped out within a single stick of incense. Now, those here are all people with identities."

"So, he is asking now, asking to redeem people, or else, he will kill us, senior brother!! Save me!!"

When the middle-aged man said the end, he was already crying.

Seeing that the middle-aged man actually lost his temper like this, Xuan Feizi suddenly felt even more strange.

In the end, what kind of thing happened to make him, who has always had a better mentality, become so rude.

"Senior brother, don't panic, senior brother will save you."

Xuan Feizi thought about it for a while, and decided to stabilize his junior brother's emotions first.

"Apart from that, does he have any other requirements?"

"It, other requirements, there are no other requirements, he only said that if the ransom is satisfactory to him, he will let the people leave, otherwise, both of them will stay here."

After such a long exchange, it seemed that Xuan Feizi calmed down the junior and junior brother's emotions. After thinking about it for a while, what Chen Feng had just said was repeated to Xuan Feizi.

"Who is this? This is obviously a robbery, right?"

Xuan Feizi was stunned when he heard his words.

I have seen blackmailers, but I have never seen such a shameless person as Chen Feng.

If you are not satisfied with the ransom, you have to keep one more person here, which is just a joke.

However, knowing this news, at least he will not be reckless, just grab some spiritual stones and treasures, and run over.

"Okay, junior brother, I understand, you can rest easy, senior brother, I'm going to prepare, go over in person, and bring you back."

This Tianshi sect is quite in line with the concept of a famous sect, and the whole sect is united and upright.

Chapter 2 Attitudes of all parties (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

This Tianshi sect is quite in line with the concept of a famous sect, and the whole sect is united and upright.

When Shen Yanzong conquered the nearby sects, many small sects and small sects were destroyed. Due to the threat of Shen Yanzong, they had to submit to Shen Yanzong, otherwise, they would be destroyed.

This time, the action is also a last resort.

The disciples sent, except for his junior brother, the other disciples are just chorus disciples, and the highest cultivation level is nothing more than a contemplative state.

After finishing the conversation with his junior brother, Xuan Feizi thought for a while, stood up, and bowed to the only statue in the hall.

"Tianzun is above, the disciple is really helpless. I specially invited the treasure of the sect to exchange for the life of the junior brother. Please forgive me."

After speaking, he knelt on the ground, three times and nine bows.

After doing all this, he stood up and jumped onto the stage.

Looking at the statue, he took a deep breath, and then fired a series of Spiritual Judgments.

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After the Lingjue was played, the eyes of the god statue began to emit faint rays of light, and finally the rays of light gathered together to form a light group.

After a while, the light disappeared, and an object floated in front of Xuan Feizi.

Xuan Feizi solemnly stretched out his hands, took the object, and put it in the storage ring.

He jumped off the stage and bowed three times to the statue again, and then his figure suddenly turned into a streamer and flew in the direction of Qi's family.

At this moment, all the large and small sects near Shenyanzong have received the information.

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