Chapter [-] Make up an integer (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

Looking at the slightly dilapidated store in front of him, and then looking at the slanted plaque above, a strange look appeared on Chen Feng's face.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Mouse San smiled awkwardly, didn't speak, walked over, knocked on the door a few times, and then shouted loudly.

"Wang Li, open the door, it's me, the third mouse..."

"Boom bang bang..."

"Hurry up and open the door, I'll kill you if you don't open the door..."

With his shouts and knocks on the door, the people inside seemed to be startled.

"Who, in broad daylight, don't let people rest well, are they going to die?"

An indistinct voice came from inside.

Hearing this, Mouse San was even more embarrassed, and slammed the door with more strength.

Seeing him like this, Chen Feng was a little worried, whether this door would be smashed by him directly.

"Come on, come on!! Don't take a special shot, and the door is broken, you give it to me..."

After opening the door and talking impatiently, he saw the person in front of him, and Wang Li was stunned. 19

"Uh, Brother Mouse, you, haha...haha..."


After seeing that it was Mouse San, Wang Ligan laughed a few times and quickly closed the door.

And Mouse San, who was about to enter the house, suddenly slammed and was hit by the door.

Covering his nose with a confused look, and looking at the closed door in front of him, Mouse San was a little confused about the situation.

"Wang Li, if you don't open the door again, I will demolish your house!!"

After being done this way, the third mouse was also agitated.

As soon as these words were finished, the door slowly opened a small crack, and Wang Li looked at the mouse three and asked timidly through the crack of the door.

"Rat, Brother Mouse, me, I'll pay you back in a while. I just picked up a big house here, and I really don't have any money now."

Wen Yan Shusan rolled his eyes, pushed the door open with force, and then kicked him.

"Go away, Lord Rat, I didn't come to ask you for an account today, I really have something to do with you."

Wang Li followed the mouse three to the side in confusion, and then the mouse three extended his hand to lead him.

"Sir, come first."

After seeing that Mouse San was done, Chen Feng walked in with a few girls.

As soon as he came in, Chen Feng smelled a strange smell and could not help frowning.

Mouse San's eyes were still very sharp, and when he saw Chen Feng's nose slightly shrugged, he frowned, and he immediately understood why.

Quickly opened all the windows in the house, and then pinched a spirit.

A fresh breeze rose in the house, completely changing the air in the house.

After nearly half a minute, Mouse San stopped.

Seeing that Chen Feng's slightly wrinkled brows relaxed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Feng casually looked at the furnishings in the room. It was a very standard office in the Immortal Realm, with a table, a sofa, and a coffee table.

A teapot and a few cups were randomly placed on the coffee table.

Without going to sit on his sofa, Chen Feng directly put his own sofa out, sat on it, and then winked at Shu San.

"Wang Li, did you just say that you just took over a big house?"

Mouse Sanxin turned his head and asked Wang Li.

"Well? Yes, Brother Mouse, why are you asking this?"

Chapter 1 Make up an integer (add one, ask for subscription, ask for customization) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Well? Yes, Brother Mouse, why are you asking this?"

Wang Li was stunned for a moment, then immediately became nervous.

"Let me tell you, I won't use that house to pay off my debt, and I don't owe you a lot of spirit stones in total!! If that house is sold in my hands, I can earn at least [-] low-level spirit stones. !!"

Mouse San thought he was going to say something, but when he heard this, he almost fell to the ground.

Looking at him with a black line, Mouse San said angrily.

"Who wants you to pay off the debt? I brought my son to buy a house. It just so happens that you are in this house. You can see how much you can sell at the lowest level. It's appropriate. What you owed me in the past will also be written off!"


Wang Li was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the third mouse was actually buying a house.

"Really? This house is not cheap."

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