"Why are you fooling me? I only brought you here because you are an old acquaintance. You can say as much as you want."

Mouse San waved his hand impatiently.

"Eight, [-] low-level spirit stones?"

Wang Li heard that, although he was still a little skeptical, he still decided to give it a try.

"Eight hundred thousand……"

When Mouse San heard his offer, he didn't tell Chen Feng directly, he held his chin and pondered for a while.

Seeing that he hesitated, Wang Li suddenly became nervous and said quickly.

"Seven hundred thousand, no no no, six... no, [-], [-] low-level spirit stones, can't be any less, brother, I'm looking at you as an acquaintance, and I'll drop it any lower. There is no profit."

"[-] low-level spirit stones, I'll give you an integer."

Before Mouse San could speak, Chen Feng spoke directly.

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, sixty high-level spirit stones appeared on the table.

"There are sixty high-level spirit stones here, is that enough? If that's enough, take us to see the room."

Wang Li stared at the high-level spiritual stone exuding a strong spiritual energy on the table, his saliva almost spit out 507.

"Enough, enough, absolutely enough, uncle, you are so arrogant, I will take you there."

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Wang Li said with a smile.

"Let's go then."

With that said, Chen Feng put away the sofa, and took the women out first.

Just now, the mouse three changed the air in the room, but after a while, he got up again.

Therefore, Chen Feng could not wait to leave here.

The taste was just too unacceptable.

Wang Li also saw what Chen Feng meant, and immediately became embarrassed.

Zai Shu San gave him a wink and then walked out.

Wang Li came back to his senses and hurriedly followed him out. After closing the door, it was unlocked, and he quickly chased after him.

Chen Feng followed Wang Li and turned left and right, and finally came to a relatively secluded place.

Chen Feng looked around and found that the houses here are relatively large and high-end in style, and now he understood in his heart.

Here on earth, it is a high-end residential area.

Not long after they left, Wang Li took them to a mansion that was obviously more upscale than the previous mansion.

"Master, it's here, it's here."

After arriving, Wang Li sneered and said to Chen Feng. .

Chapter [-] Farce (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

Although the location here is relatively quiet, it is only relative to the more lively places.

Along the way, Chen Feng felt that there was a sharp edge on his back.

Not because of anything else, but because the appearance of Liu Xia'er's four daughters is too outstanding.

Even with a veil covering it, it is still possible to see the outstanding appearance of the four girls.

When Nami and Bonnie were in the Pirate World, they were already top beauties. They followed Chen Feng to the Immortal World and became more beautiful after they started to practice.

Therefore, when men look at it, they all have expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Women, on the other hand, are envious of their beauty.

Although it feels great to be in the limelight, Chen Feng doesn't want such a lot of attention.

Immediately, he urged Wang Li to open the door quickly.

Wang Li also found out the surrounding situation, sweating profusely, he took out a jade slip.

This jade slip is the key.

Because it is a house to be sold, after the entrusting person, the person who resells the house will set up a simple formation to prevent thieves from entering.

Just when Wang Li just lifted the formation, a frivolous voice came from behind everyone.

"Little lady, come to see the house? This is my house."

Hearing this, everyone turned around and found that it was a thin young man with a pale face and dark circles in his eyes.

The three mice glared at him and shouted sharply.

"Boy, be careful when you speak, there are some people you can't provoke!!"

"Hmph, which green onion are you? In this place, apart from the core disciples of Shen Yanzong, there really aren't any people that I, Li Aoyue, dare not provoke."

Unexpectedly, this young man, after listening to the words of the third mouse, not only was not afraid, but became even more arrogant.


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