He wants to be good, but some people are not interested.

When Li Aoyue heard his words, an unhappy expression appeared on her face. (Li Ma Zhao)

"Why do you want to say good things to him, hurry up, kill those two men, I want those four beauties to accompany me."

The person who had just spoken to ease the atmosphere heard the words and was about to scold.

Special mother wants to die, don't bring others with you.

Although the two of my brothers are the eighth-rank cultivation of Venerable, the person in front of me is not simple!

At this time, Chen Feng did not exude momentum, but outsiders could not see his cultivation.

After learning the magic talisman, Chen Feng gave himself an immortal hidden talisman.

As long as the cultivation base is not higher than his three great realms, he will not know his true strength at all.

"Don't hurry up! Isn't it a person who has no cultivation base? The other one, I think his cultivation base is not as high as yours, hurry up!! Otherwise, I will let my father punish you!!"

Seeing that the two of them hadn't acted yet, Li Aoyue became anxious, pushed them, and said. .

Chapter 1 Fate (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Stupid must!!"

The person who spoke first couldn't help it, and scolded softly.


Because his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, Li Aoyue couldn't hear it clearly and asked.

"It's alright, young master, you retreat one after another, I'm afraid it will hurt you later."

Hearing his words, Li Aoyue took two steps back.

"Oh, then you can solve them quickly, I'm waiting for the beauty."

Li Aoyue licked her lips, and the greed in her eyes was clear.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Feng was too lazy to talk any more, talking to such an idiot, saying one more sentence would be too much for him.

With a snap of his fingers, Xiao Yi shot out two energy bullets.

Those two people in the Venerable Realm had already noticed something wrong before Xiao Yi fired the energy bomb.

However, if you want to escape, it's too late.

The rate of fire of the floating cannon is so fast that people in the Zongren realm can't dodge in time, let alone they are only people in the venerable realm.

The two energy bombs, under Chen Feng's suggestion, penetrated the root of their cultivation base, and directly destroyed their cultivation base without harming their lives.

Li Aoyue was originally excited. After waiting for the two of 967 to get rid of Chen Feng, she would enjoy the spoils. She never thought that the two of them would be dealt with without even a single round.

Looking at the two people who were lying on the ground and groaning in pain, Li Aoyue hadn't recovered yet.

It wasn't until Chen Feng strolled over that he woke up, looked at Chen Feng in horror, and shouted loudly.

"You, you, don't come here!! If you dare to do something to me, believe me, you will definitely die miserably!!"

Ignoring him, Chen Feng squatted in front of the two.

"Tell me, what is his identity?"

"He, he is the son of the third hall master of the Tiansha Temple. If you kill him, the third hall master will never let you go!!"

Looking at Chen Feng in front of him, the man on the left, clutching his stomach, said with difficulty.

"Don't let me go, do you know who I am?"

Chen Feng said with a sneer.

"No matter who you are or how strong your background is, if you provoke the Temple of Heavenly Demons, you will never end well!!"

As soon as Chen Feng's words fell, the man on the right spoke viciously.

(bjdh) After hearing his words, Chen Feng almost didn't burst out laughing.

When I was refining the weapon a few days ago, it seemed that I had just dealt with a deacon of the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

A few days later, another son of the third hall master of the Tiansha Temple came.

It seems that I have a good relationship with this Temple of Heavenly Demons.

"Really? When you arrive in the underworld, don't forget to say hello to the deacon of your Tiansha Temple."

As he said that, a large amount of cold air emerged from Chen Feng's body, spreading towards the two of them.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. My name is Chen Feng. When you get to the underworld, don't forget it."

Hearing this, the faces of the two of them were full of horror, and regrets appeared in their eyes.

The name Chen Feng had already been listed by the top of the Heavenly Demon Palace as a list to deal with carefully the day before yesterday, but they were provoked by them today.

Thinking of Chen Feng's rumors, the two regretted it even more.

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