Thinking of Chen Feng's rumors, the two regretted it even more.

But it's too late to say anything now.

A large amount of cold air covered the two people, and finally turned into two ice sculptures whose surfaces were covered in hoarfrost.

Li Aoyue saw with her own eyes that the two of them turned into ice sculptures at the moment when the cold air covered them, and they turned into ice sculptures.

At the same time as he passed out, a pungent smell spread in the air.

Hearing the smell, Chen Feng frowned.

Looking at Li Aoyue who was lying on the ground with contempt, Chen Feng waved at Shusan and motioned him to come over and deal with it.

Chen Feng didn't want to encounter this again, and the people who were full of anger slammed.

Mouse San understood what Chen Feng meant, and walked over with a bitter face.

Directly using his spiritual power, he rolled up Li Aoyue, followed behind Chen Feng, and walked towards the mansion.

When they came to the front of the mansion, because Wang Li had just run away, the formation had not been solved yet.

Looking at the formation in front of him, Chen Feng pointed out.

Only the space in front of me was like a stone was thrown in the water, and ripples appeared in circles.


With a light sound, the formation was broken by Chen Feng with violence.

With a wave of his hand, the door opened directly, and Chen Feng lifted his foot and walked in.

The four daughters followed closely behind and followed Chen Feng in.

Mouse San frowned, looked at Li Aoyue floating behind him, and couldn't help but have a headache.

The smell on Li Aoyue's body is really too great. He is afraid that if he brings it in like this, Chen Feng will be dissatisfied.

After thinking about it for a while, he directly pinched a Lingjue, and a large water balloon with a diameter of more than one meter appeared in the air, wrapping Li Aoyue in it.

Then Mouse San's hands began to shake back and forth.

With the shaking of his hands, the water in the water polo began to swirl violently.

After about a minute or so, Mouse San dissipated the water polo, and then hit Li Aoyue in the stomach, and a large amount of water came out of his mouth.

At this time, Li Aoyue had already woken up.

However, he would rather be in a coma now, at least that way, without suffering a lot.

Looking at the wet Li Aoyue, Mouse San reluctantly pinched a spirit ball again, and a ball of fire appeared under Li Aoyue. After a while, all the water on his body evaporated.

After doing all this, Mouse San was satisfied with Li Aoyue and quickly entered the gate of the mansion.

After entering, he threw Li Aoyue directly into the corner of the front yard, and arranged another formation to prevent him from escaping.

"Shu San, ask him how to get to the Temple of Heavenly Demons, and solve some troubles before the competition starts."

Just when he was about to leave, Chen Feng's voice came from afar.

"Yes, son!"

Although he couldn't see Chen Feng, Shu San still respectfully pointed in his direction, gave a salute, and then turned back to Li Aoyue.

"You have also heard what the son said. I hope you can explain it honestly. Otherwise, what will be the consequences? I think you know better than me."

In front of Li Aoyue, Mouse San said coldly.

The killing intent all over his body shrouded Li Aoyue in the slightest, instantly destroying his lack of will.

"I said, I said, what do you ask me, as long as I know, I will say, but please don't kill me!!".

Chapter 2 An Infection (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

No need to know what method Mouse San knew, this Li Aoyue cracked up and said everything she knew. (Bookstore

Including the things he himself has done over the years, as well as the things done by the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

After listening to his remarks, the three mice could not wait to slap him to death.

After giving him a savage glance, the third mouse went to Chen Feng to report.

Outside the door, there was a circle of people around the bodies of the two people who had just been killed by Chen Feng.

The situation here has already been notified to the city guard.

"Let's give up, let's give up, the city guards are here..."

Hearing the shouts from outside, the crowd made a way to let the city guards in.

The head is a fat man with a big belly, wearing an armor with a strange character written on the back, and holding a sword around his waist, he walked in with a big belly in a hurry.

And behind him, followed by a team of ten people, all wearing uniform clothes with odd characters written on the back and holding halberds.

Seeing this fat man, a hint of disgust flashed in everyone's eyes. It can be seen that this fat man is not very popular among others.

After entering, he saw the corpse on the ground with the slightest chill.

After taking a second look, I found that they were both face down and wearing hoods, so I couldn't tell who they were at all.

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