He winked at a soldier next to him.

The soldier naturally understood a little bit of him, but when he saw the cold air on the corpse, he suddenly hesitated.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, the fat man immediately became dissatisfied and snorted coldly.

Hearing his cold snort, the soldier shivered with fright, and did not dare to hesitate any longer, so he could only bite the bullet.

He took a few steps, but he didn't go very far.

When the fat man saw this, a look of anger rose on his face, and he took two steps forward and kicked his ass.

I saw that the soldier was kicked by him onto the corpse on the ground, and he just got up and turned his head and glared at the fat man.

When the fat man saw that he dared to stare at him, he became even more angry, and scolded him when he opened his mouth.

"Damn, you rubbish, let you check something, dawdling, you dare to stare at me now, believe it or not..."

Suddenly, the cold air on the corpse quickly climbed up the soldier's arm, wrapping his entire body in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, a living person turned into a lifeless ice sculpture.

Fatty stopped half of what he said, and was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

When the people around them saw this, they all looked horrified and quickly took a few steps back.

Fang Qingtong happened to be in the crowd and saw this scene with his own eyes.

Originally, she felt that the death method of the man on the ground was somewhat familiar, but now that she saw the fate of this soldier, she was more certain of her thoughts.

Chen Feng is nearby! !

As soon as this idea came out, Fang Qingtong's heart began to beat non-stop.

"He, he is nearby! No, kill these two people, he must have left..."

The chaotic thoughts made her excited now.

"However, depending on the situation, these two people should have died not long ago, and he should not have gone far. I am going to find him!!"

Thinking of this, Fang Qingtong quickly left here.

However, she didn't know that Chen Feng was in the mansion not far ahead.

In this way, Fang Qingtong perfectly staggered the chance to meet Chen Feng.

The fat man who was slumped on the ground, after a long time, calmed down and stood up tremblingly.

"You, you, use your spiritual power to bring the corpses of these three people back to the garrison department, I, I will report to the Lord of the City."

Chapter 2 An Infection (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"You, you, use your spiritual power to bring the corpses of these three people back to the garrison department, I, I will report to the Lord of the City."

After explaining a few words to the soldiers behind him, Fatty turned around and hurriedly left.

Those soldiers looked at each other in dismay when they saw Fatty finished speaking and left.

In the end, in desperation, he could only use his spiritual power to lift the corpse on the ground.

But is it that simple?

Chen Feng's abilities in the Pirate World, after coming to this world, because of the changes in the rules of the world, these abilities have also undergone some subtle changes.

However, Chen Feng has not noticed these changes yet.

For example, in the current situation...

I saw the spiritual power of the soldiers, the moment they touched the corpse, they were frozen.

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And the cold air also spread rapidly towards them along the link of their spiritual power.

Seeing this scene, everyone hurriedly disconnected from that part of the spiritual power.

And those two or three people who couldn't react in time were caught in the body by the cold air while breathing.

In an instant, the whole person's face turned blue, his eyes were round, and the cold air kept coming out from his wide open mouth.

After a while, it lost its vitality and turned into ice sculptures exuding chills and grim expressions.

"Fuck!! What the hell is this??"

"Damn, I'm going to fuck you!! I don't care about this shit!!"

"Yes, but if we don't get it right, the director will punish us."


"Go to the punishment of the special code, I quit it!!"

"It's better to quit and be punished than lose your life."

"Yes, is it bad to live? Do you have to go to death?"

All the soldiers, frightened by this situation, immediately retreated three feet away.

And the crowd of onlookers left here early.

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