After calming down, they all started to curse.

After scolding for a while, their opinions were unified, and everyone left here, no longer caring about the corpses on the ground.

As for how the director will punish, they can't care about it anymore.

For them, life is the most important thing.

Inside the mansion, Chen Feng listened to the report of the third mouse, and lowered his head to think.

According to that Li Aoyue, the distance between Tiansha Temple is still relatively far.

Chen Feng did the math, if it really passes, I'm afraid it will be too late to participate in tomorrow's game.

After thinking about it, forget it, let's talk about it after the game.

Chen Feng heard the noise outside, but he ignored it.

Just now, I forgot to dispose of the corpse on the ground.

This is not the wild. In the past, I had never dealt with corpses. Now think about it, if you don't deal with it, you will probably have trouble.

Although he is not afraid of someone looking for trouble, it is annoying if there is too much trouble. .

Chapter 3 is so intense (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Feng sent out the mouse three times and explained how he would deal with those corpses, so as not to dispose of the corpses by then, he would instead go in. (Bookstore

The three mice were ordered to go out, and Chen Feng was bored and hugged Xiaobai from Liu Xia'er's arms.

"Tsk tsk, Xiaobai, did you notice that you have gained a little weight recently."

Xiaobai, who was sleeping comfortably in Liu Xia'er's arms, was suddenly carried over by Chen Feng, and he said such a sentence, and he immediately became unhappy, and he was going to catch him.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to block, and then took out a medicinal pill.

As soon as Xiaobai saw the action of the medicine pill, he immediately stopped there, staring at the medicine pill closely, saliva gushing out from the corner of his mouth.

"Want to eat?"

As he said that, Chen Feng's hand swayed back and forth.

And Xiaobai's cerebellum "[-]" bag also followed his hand and swayed from side to side.


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiaobai nodded vigorously, took a breath, and sucked back the saliva that was about to fall on Chen Feng's clothes.

"Just be good if you want to eat, understand?"

Holding the medicinal pill, Chen Feng said proudly.

"En, I'm the best."

While talking, Xiaobai put his head on Chen Feng's hand, rubbed it, and looked at Chen Feng's eyes with a longing look.

Seeing that it was almost funny, Chen Feng threw the medicine pill away.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth and took a breath.

With a snort, the medicinal pill entered and entered its mouth.

Xiaobai, who had eaten the medicinal pill, squinted his eyes, and sat contentedly in Chen Feng's arms with a gesture of enjoyment.

This elixir is not an ordinary elixir, but a seventh-grade activating elixir.

This activating elixir can catalyze the operation and absorption of human or beast spiritual power.

A spirit-invigorating pill, at least one month of hard work.

In addition, Xiaobai originally had an innate ability, which was to increase the absorption speed of spiritual power.

This is adding a Spiritual Elimination Pill, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Inside the house, after Xiaobai lay down for a while, a gentle breeze appeared.

Feeling the breeze, Nami looked inside the house and then walked out the door, but found that as long as she left the house one meter away, there would be no wind.

Walking back, he said something strange.

"Hey, this wind is so strange, it seems to be just revolving around our house."

Liu Xia'er also felt the breeze circling in the house, and then she realized that it was not a breeze, but a whirlpool composed of spiritual power.

The center of the whirlpool formed by this spiritual power is Xiaobai in Chen Feng's arms.

Having noticed this, Liu Xia'er looked at Xiao Bai in Chen Feng's arms in surprise.

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with Xiaobai? Why does he suddenly absorb spiritual power so quickly? Can it withstand it?"

Hearing Liu Xia'er's words, Nami noticed that the rich spiritual power in the air also looked at Xiao Bai in surprise, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Although she just started cultivating not long ago, with the help of Chen Feng, she also reached the realm of heaven and man.

It is not advisable to absorb spiritual power too quickly, otherwise she will not be able to bear this common sense, she still knows.

"Well, if Xiaobai can't bear it, I don't think Chen Feng will give him this pill."

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