"Well, if Xiaobai can't bear it, I don't think Chen Feng will give him this pill."

Sitting on the side, Fu Ying, who was still in a hurry, put down the teacup in her hand and turned to look at Chen Feng and said with a smile.

Chen Feng didn't speak, he just touched Xiaobai's soft hair, and helped him absorb the swarming spiritual power in the air.

The vortex of spiritual power in the air is getting bigger and bigger, and the movement is also getting bigger and bigger.

After a quarter of an hour or so, a light blue vortex was formed in the air that was about to condense into substance.

At this moment, in Qiyuan City, no matter what they do, they cast their gazes over and stare in amazement at the vortex of spiritual power that exudes a majestic momentum.

However, the strange thing is that no matter how amazing the momentum of this vortex is, it does not have any impact on the buildings or people next to it.

It seems that its scope is limited to the place below, and has not spread to other places.

"It was that senior who was cultivating here, and it actually caused such a violent fluctuation of spiritual power..."

The resident of Lieyang College in Yongsui Mansion, Ouyang Baili, Dean of Lieyang College, looked at the vortex of spiritual power not far away and felt the amazing fluctuation of spiritual power, and suddenly exclaimed...  ..

"Yeah, what's even more amazing is that this senior can actually control the vortex of spiritual power within such a small range. This kind of control is really terrifying."

Beside him, Fang Gan, the dean of Qianyuan College, also sighed.

The two looked at the vortex of spiritual power in the distance and couldn't help sighing for a while.

Thinking about other people's cultivation, and then looking at the two of them, I can't help but sigh that the achievements created by different environments are different.

After a while, the two of them remembered that they still had business to do, so they looked back.

"Brother Fang, I got an important piece of information."

Ouyang Baili looked at Fang Gan with a serious face, and Fang Gan also became serious.

"Brother Ouyang, please speak, I am all ears."

"Chen Feng, do you know?"

Hearing Ouyang Baili mention Chen Feng, Fang Gan couldn't help but be puzzled.

Nodding his head, he pondered for a while and said.

"Well, our college has been collecting his information for a long time, but since he disappeared in Yong'an City, there has been no news. No matter how we check, we can't find it."

"Oh, it's no wonder you can find out. This kid has come to the Hidden Realm more than a week in advance."

Ouyang Baili chuckled lightly and said a possibility that Ren Fanggan could not have imagined.

"What!! How is it possible!! He doesn't have an entry token, how can he get in!! 0.7"

Hearing this, Fang Qian suddenly exclaimed.

"He doesn't, but someone does."

Ouyang Baili pretended to be mysterious and said.

"You mean, that girl from the Fu family?"

Fang Qian thought for a moment and guessed a possibility.

Because the last news they got was that Fu Ying and Chen Feng disappeared together in Yong'an City without any news.

They thought about it a lot, and even the hidden world guessed it, but this possibility was denied the first time it was raised.

In their opinion, Chen Feng's cultivation base came to the Hidden Realm, and it was purely courting death.

And killing Whale Kun is only because someone secretly helped him, or he has a secret technique.

Otherwise, he alone would not be able to do this. .

Chapter [-] The beauty is worried (add another chapter, please subscribe, please customize)

"Yes, it was Fu Ying who brought them in."

Ouyang Baili touched the beard on his chin and said seriously.

"Is that all the information you want to talk about?"

Although a little surprised, Fang Gan didn't take it seriously.

"Brother Fang, why worry, I haven't said the real information yet."

Ouyang Baili took a sip of tea and said slowly.

Fang Gan didn't care, and he wasn't in a hurry. Anyway, the news would be known to Fang Gan sooner or later.

He can even imagine now, Fang Gan's reaction after hearing the news.

"Then I want to see, brother Ouyang, what news can you tell me?"

Fang Gan glanced at Ouyang Baili, and calmly picked up the tea and drank it.

Ouyang Baili first placed a layer of spiritual barrier in front of him, and then spoke slowly.

"Shen Yanzong and his Qi family, as well as some small sects, were destroyed."


As expected, Fang Gan spat out 19 of the tea in his mouth after hearing the news.

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